Friday, October 31, 2008

Successful Trick-or-Treat night

Thank goodness for a successful Trick-or-Treat for my little women!

We wouldn't have heard the end of it if it had been another debacle like last year. Maddie never forgot about the fact that she wasn't able to trick-or-treat last year, and they both were so very much looking forward to trick-or-treating together this year and collecting candy. Our little kitten and Pablo (or, as Dan would call her.. T-900) anxiously awaited the 5pm hour when they were finally able to get dressed into their costumes and head out for Trick-or-Treat.

Dan and I were more than a little nervous when our evening began with Faith falling down the outside staircase (4 steps) and landing on her face on the sidewalk. That and the fact that she decided not to take a nap (today of all days when they were going to be out past their bedtime of course) led to the immediate meltdown that lasted for our first 5 minutes or so. Our little Pablonator had watery eyes and wanted nothing to do with taking a picture with her big sister, the cat. She sat sniffing her blankie, and Dan and I thought for sure we were cursed and would have to soothe Crannie again this year. Luckily, it didn't end as badly as the night had started.

Our little women had a blast! We went with Cole and Angela, and they had so much fun. We stopped at one place in the complex because an older woman saw them and wanted them to stop by quickly. We did, and she was so sweet and asked them if they wanted to see some tricks. She got one of her cats to do a bunch of tricks which Maddie and Faith thought was the best thing they had ever seen. They both love cats! Faith kept petting the two cats and going "awww" and Maddie kept asking if the other cat did tricks as well. You could tell that the woman was really into Halloween and had put a lot of time into decorating and separating certain candies into different bowls. We definitely loved it, and Maddie and Faith thought it was great to start their night off with a 15 minute 'show!'

They went door to door, and did not tire in the least. Maddie could not even believe that it was even real that she was getting so much candy. She kept saying to me, "Are we going to the next house, Momma? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! We're not going home? This is the best holiday of my life, Momma!" She would laugh so hard too when Faith would come running up behind her (and on about 6 occasions, trip and fall!) and they really enjoyed their first time trick-or-treating together. Faith kept trying to invite herself into the houses, and to slink away with about 6 pieces of candy instead of the typical 1-2. She was too funny, and had a blast.

We were back by 8pm, and I don't think they lasted more than 3 minutes before they were completely zonked out in Maddie's bed. I am sure they'll be retelling their Halloween stories all day tomorrow!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sports confusion

The little women cracked me up last night.

Maddie passed out within 2 minutes as usual at bedtime, and Faith carried on forever until waking up Maddie at around 9pm with her antics. I've actually had to confiscate all of the lunch boxes that sit on Maddie's toy box because Faith would root through them and find things to pass the time doing, and essentially annoying Maddie in the meantime. One night I found Faith placing rocks all over Maddie's head (they have a lunch box that holds all of the rocks that they found at the beach that they deemed "special rocks"). Another night Faith was playing every single musical Hallmark card that we own (that they collect and keep in yet another lunch box) right in Madison's ears. 

Last night, I heard them awake at 9pm. Faith of course was in heaven that her antics had successfully awakened Maddie, and that now she had a friend with whom to chat. They had gotten some books off of Maddie's bookcase and were sitting there reading to each other. I then heard their hilarious conversation as I went to the bathroom:

Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Daddy's in the 'wishing room' (what she calls the living room)
Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Daddy's out there.
Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Ah! I told you a million times, Daddy's watching the EAGLES. Don't worry about it.
Faith: Da Da?

It was all the more amusing since Maddie called the Phillies the Eagles. We were watching Game 5 of the World Series, and Maddie associates all sports teams with the Eagles. They eventually came out for a short visit to make us breakfast with their fake food, and Maddie was cheering "Go, Eagles, Go. Go, Eagles, Go!" Faith was sitting there and clapping.


They had a blast this afternoon at the big park in Wyomissing. They hadn't been there in awhile. They make me laugh because there were two other girls there that were probably 4 or 5 years old. The 4 girls had a good time playing, but Maddie and Faith stick together like glue. I love it. Maddie wouldn't do anything unless Faith was with her, and vice versa. 

Now, it's countdown to Trick-or-Treat night tomorrow!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dancing moves

40 degrees and ugly

It was quite the miserable day, weather-wise.

Apparently there might be snow showers tonight. I think the combination of torrential rain and winds have most likely caused every single last leaf that clung to the trees here to fall to the ground. The Phillies game 5 has even been postponed until tomorrow because of the weather. My hopes of any remaining semblance of fall weather are quickly going out the door as this colder weather seems to creep in now for good. I fear days like today. We can not go outside, and I rack my brains thinking of stuff to do to entertain the lovely little ladies while we are stuck indoors.

The little women spent the entire morning in their "cozies" (their footed pajamas). We played Play Doh and some rousing games of Lucky Ducks and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. They cooked with their fake food for a good while, and played 'Radiator Springs.' They tried on their Halloween costumes after lunch, and I had a beautiful cat walking around next to an adorable little Pablo. What a team.

They have been in love with dancing to Christmas music as of lately. Maddie used to have SUCH a passion for dancing when we had first moved back home and in with Nene. She and her Nene would dance to their Mexican folksy songs and Sesame Street songs about 15 times a day. Miss Maddie had a number of awesome 'moves.' I have now taught them to the Beebster, and she is just as entertaining as Maddie was at this age. Since Faith does all of the old Maddie moves (plus a few new ones, and a few of cousin Donovan's old moves as well), Maddie now dances right along with Faith. It's quite nostalgic. It cracked me up though today because I figured I would catch the little bit of them dancing that I could on video. Maddie has a chronic plumber's crack (on the days that she insists on wearing her 2T underwear that are obviously too small for her!) that she showcased per usual in complete oblivion while doing the "butt move." Faith has been gassy lately since she is cutting her bottom back molars (poor girl always gets a case of bowel trouble during these teething times) and Maddie and I find it hilarious when she lets a few go every hour or so. My little princesses: one dancing with some pants trouble and another dancing while gaseous!

Maddie and Faith both asked to dance on our bed tonight before bedtime. They requested their fast songs, and then a slow song. I played Ronan Keating's "When you Say Nothing at All." Dan was holding Beebster and slow dancing with her while I got to slow dance with my Cran. Maddie goes, "Aww... we're all in love!" Hahaha. I love them.

You can't beat a miserable, ugly, cold, dreary day like today that ends like that!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And one more makes three

Baby #3 had his/her first appointment yesterday.

Surreal, yet true. It is only now really starting to sink in what we have known since the beginning of September; Crannie will be a big sister for the second time, Beebster will be a big sister for the first time, and we will be parents for the third time. 

I've realized that, like everything in our lives, it is all going to fall into place and work out perfectly. I could not be more excited, although of course that excitement is still lined with many fears. I constantly worry about making sure I divide my attention as equally as possible between Maddie and Faith. Now I worry about how I will do that with three. That is my main fear, and it overwhelms me at times. But, I know that it will work just as it always has with our little women. I worry about my big girl Crannie, my sweet "helper" girl. She will be just a little over 4 years old, and now a sister for the second time. I felt as though it was not fair to her. And, then I realized that Faith is literally the best gift we have ever given her. It is almost as though she was meant to be a big sister with her genuine love that she feels for her little Beebster. I worry about my baby girl Beebster, the littlest woman who was supposed to remain our baby forever. Our time together as just the two of us was to come when Maddie started school. Now, she will share me again. I realized, again, that we have been blessed with two incredibly sweet little girls. I know that Faith will be as amazing a big sister to this next baby as Maddie has always been to her. She has someone to emulate after all. And, Cran and Beebster will be two heroes to this next little one, I just know it.

Maddie is insistent that she wants another baby sister like her Beebster, although she has said that if it is a boy she would like him to be named either Prince Phillip or Santa Claus. If it is a girl, she likes the name "beautiful sparkly holiday princess." That would make for quite the birth certificate.

Beebster amazes me. Maddie was never this in tune with babies at Faith's age as Faith has been since becoming a big cousin for the first time in February. Maddie's relationship with Faith really grew stronger and stronger over time, but I think Faith already seems bonded. She reminds me so much of Donovan when he was 14 months old and Faith was first born. He was always so interested in Faith. Then, Ella was born when Faith was 14 months old. She has always been so attached to miss Ella. She wants to pat her and hug her all the time. And, she is incredibly gentle. Then, Tyler was born when Faith was 18 months old. She has always been so interested in him as well, and really adores her baby cousins. She is already interested in my stomach, and when we ask her if she is ready to be a big sister she answers enthusiastically, "essss!" She will be 2 1/2, which gives her 8 more months than Maddie had before being thrust into the role of big sister. So, I am reassured by that as well. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

11 more days til Halloween.. and counting

I never was really one for the Halloween season (or Fall season for that matter).. until I had Cran, and then Beebster.

It's such a fun season! We've definitely been enjoying as much of the Fall- weather and everything else Fall-related- as we can before the lovely PA winter sets in and it's too cold to be outside more than 20 minutes at a time. The girls have been to Weaver's, Funk's, and Merrymead and love them all. They picked their big pumpkin at Weaver's to carve with Dan, and they carved it all together last week. Both Maddie and Faith scooped out all of the seeds this year, and thought it was great. Of course, Maddie was asking to wash her hands within seconds after completing the process of scooping pumpkin guts, but that's totally Madison. They have loved walking around the neighborhood to just simply look at all of the fun Halloween decorations. They love them all- scarecrows, skeletons, blow-up pumpkins, etc. 

The weather is perfect. The leaves are beautiful. They love stomping through the crunchy leaves that are beginning to fall, and collecting colored leaves to bring home to decorate with glitter and glue. This week has been chilly enough for a sweater or sweatshirt, but not cold enough quite yet for an enormous winter jacket that then requires finagling to get the clasps on the car seat to buckle. Thank goodness for no winter jackets quite yet. I am not quite ready for that half-hour routine of winter jackets, hats, gloves, etc just to get out the door!

Not to mention, the excitement for Halloween and Trick-or-Treat is now creeping up on Maddie and Faith. They LOVE looking at the Halloween section of every store. And, today we got Maddie's costume. She'll be a cat, and Beebster will be Pablo from 'The Backyardigans.' The Beebster is psyched that Donovan let her borrow the Pablo costume, and loves it. She looks adorable, and it's so nice and warm too which will be a plus. Maddie so desperately wanted to be Aurora, but I was worried she wouldn't be warm enough in a short sleeved dress. So, she put an Aurora dress (and all the other princess dresses for that matter) on her Santa list (which she even spelled 'Santa' on, and is saving on our ledge to give to Santa in person when she sees him this year) and decided she wanted to be a cat. It was a very inexpensive costume, and it will come in very handy since we got a long sleeved black leotard which she'll be able to use for her dance class. She tried on the ears, tail, bowtie, and everything this afternoon and did not want to take it off at all. They will be so cute together this year. They have been walking around with their pumpkin pails all day practicing their "trick-or-treat" requests, and then filling their pumpkins with candy. I even caught Beebster in the dark tonight standing next to Maddie's bed and sorting through some Laffy Taffy in her pumpkin pail that she had apparently taken with her for bedtime!

11 more days til Halloween, and we'll certainly be enjoying the Fall while it lasts!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prince Daddy

My little women definitely know how to greet their Daddy after a long day of work.

Dan started lovely (wait, actually.. not-so-lovely) 3rd shift on Sunday night. He's been wanting to go to it for awhile now since the waiting list is long, and he's always worried that once Maddie starts school that he will never see her if he were still on 2nd shift. Needless to say, I've never liked 3rd shift. I didn't like it when Dan was in the Air Force, and am not a big fan of it now. But, I guess like everything else in life, I will adapt.

Anyway... he is supposed to get home by 8am when the little women awake in the mornings. But, he has had "hold over's" for 2 days straight now which means he gets home at noon. Since he usually would get home at midnight after they were sound, sound asleep, they have never had the opportunity to look forward to and anxiously await his arrival from work. They've had that opportunity the past two days. And, they are hilarious about it. We've been going for our walks earlier in the mornings and then staying outside to play to wait for Dan. I sat them on the steps that overlook the big entrance hill to our complex, and they saw our car coming up the hill. I have never heard such loud (and girlish!) screeches from Cran or Beebster before in my life! They ran as fast as they could back to our steps to wait for him to park in our spot. Maddie was jumping up and down in place and screaming, "oh, the prince of my dreams! Dadddddddy! My prinnnnnce!!!!" And, Beebster was doing her flirtatious smile and chanting "Da-da! Da-da! Da-da!" It was quite the sight. I think it makes Dan feel like a rock star to have such a greeting from his two little women.


They've been having fun these days despite the new schedule and routine. We have been so accustomed to doing our family time in the mornings before lunch, and now have to get used to the afternoons as our time. But, it will work. We go for our walks in the mornings, and I try to get them over to the park in the afternoons if Dan still is sleeping. The little women helped make peanut butter blossom cookies today, and they loved it. We made them last week with Donovan, and didn't have an egg. This time I had the egg, but realized I didn't have any vegetable oil. Lovely. But, luckily, they still came out great.

We also found a new 'treasure' for the moment. I looked out the window this morning and saw some stuff that I thought looked decent by the dumpster. Although  it's not like me to go check out stuff by the dumpster, I thought: "someone's trash could be our treasure." There stood the Dora's Talking Kitchen and a Disney Princess kitchen. I HATE Dora, and the girls do not watch that show but I know that thing sells for $80 or so, so I thought I'd take a look. I actually figured I would clean it up, let them play with it for a day or so, and then keep it to sell later. Haha. Needless to say, we burnt almost an hour with my little helpers helping me to dust it, sanitize it, and Windex it clean. It is missing some doors and parts, but still has batteries so they thought it was great to play with something new for the day. What was funny was that they used it to race all of their cars instead of actually using it as the kitchen it is meant to be. 

The Princess kitchen (which Maddie desperately wanted) was unsalvageable. I tried to pick it up to bring it in- it also needed cleaned- and it fell apart. Maddie was distraught, but they still played for a good part of the day today together with their new treasure. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


For the past week, Maddie and Faith have shared Maddie's little toddler bed.

I tried putting Faith in her crib tonight from the get-go and she cried and cried and cried. I went in to ask her if she wanted to sleep with Maddie, and in between tears she told me "Essss!" and pointed to Maddie's room. She was so happy to lay next to her big sis, and Maddie was beside herself to have her little 'Dis' with her. Maddie is always the first to go to sleep, and passes out even though Faith usually carries on talking forever. I always pass Faith back to her crib if she's still talking and goofing off after 30 minutes or so, but she just loves being with her Maddie and usually they do end up falling asleep together. They'll love sharing a room within the near future, once Faith is in a bed though. Faith actually does very well in a bed, but I am not ready to move her out of her crib. Not quite yet.

Maddie's been dying laughing these days because when you ask Faith what her name is lately, she'll answer "Dis." So, Maddie goes around calling for "Dis" and laughing hysterically. Then sometimes if Maddie asks Faith what Maddie's name is, Faith will say "Momma" and laugh. Maddie finds this quite funny.

They are inseparable, my two girls. Whenever they are at the playground now (and at random times throughout the days) Maddie will say "Momma, me and Beebster are in love" and then start singing the classic "Friends Forever" song from the glory days of 'Saved by the Bell' and the Zack Attack. They are the best of friends for sure!