Saturday, June 28, 2008

My little twins

Strange, yet true.

A few months ago at Giant, I was getting some fruit while Dan stood with Maddie and Faith and the cart. I came back to them, and Dan was laughing so hard. He said a man had come up to him and asked if Maddie and Faith were twins. TWINS? I thought maybe it was his age or bad glasses. But, I still thought it was cute.

We've now had 3 other people ask us the same thing though. A really nice couple at the beach commented that they were such beautiful twins. I thought "well, thank you. But, they're almost 2 years apart in age." Haha. Another woman asked us the same thing at Target this week, and yesterday at the pool the lifeguard mentioned that they're such cute twins. I must say that they weren't even dressed alike each of the 4 times now that people have asked us if they're (more than slightly fraternal) twins. Haha.

Had an awesome day yesterday with the little women at the pool. They've had the baby pool all to themselves lately, and it's a really fun time. Hopefully, the weather cooperates today and we're able to get back up there again. I really think these girls could live in the water!