Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ridiculous request and birdhouses

Having a fun day today with my little girls, despite hearing the most ridiculous thing ever earlier this morning.

We went out for a walk this morning and stayed out drawing with chalks and throwing their balls back and forth. We literally seem to draw with chalks every other day since they love it so colorful (and I love that they are my little artists), and yet it seems like it rains and washes it all away every other day. Anyway, our lovely apartment manager happened to be outside this morning as we chased down Maddie's ball that had gone into the parking lot. The manager had the nerve to tell me that we are no longer allowed to draw with chalks, and that apparently they've been having a lot of complaints about OUR drawings in particular (which consist purely of boo's, baa's, fruits, rainbows, their names, etc). What kind of a person would complain about pretty drawings on the sidewalk? That was my first question. My second question was, do you mean they just can't draw on the steps leading to our apartment? She said no, they can't draw period. I looked at her and said "but, it's the sidewalk. Where can they draw then?" Apparently, nowhere. Oh, the best part was: "well, I suppose you could draw when you know it is going to rain shortly after, or bring a bucket of water outside with you." Needless to say, myself AND my little women were furious and will not be listening to this "rule."

On a brighter note, it's awesome outside today and it's supposed to be 84 degrees this weekend! Not to mention, we went to the library yesterday since it was absolutely horrendous outside, and we got our free pass for the museum. Maddie has been bugging and bugging to go to the museum and check out the exhibits. They are so excited about going to the darn museum! Haha. They also have been dying to make a birdhouse like Goofy makes in 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.' So, we went and got them this cheap little wooden birdhouse yesterday, and they painted it this morning. They are quite excited for a bird to live in there!


37- week appointment (well, 36 weeks, 6 days) this afternoon. I'm wondering what they will tell me considering my feet and legs are so beyond swollen.

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