Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little LADY it is!

I can't quite describe why I doubted the fact that this baby had been named a girl at our 23-week ultrasound, but I really was doubting it. In fact, I was moreso convinced two weeks ago at a 33-week ultrasound when the doctor didn't even look to check the gender. I personally think it is the doctor that I was not trusting, as I don't care for this doctor whatsoever. He is not personable whatsoever and just doesn't seem concerned at all about the baby ever. Not to mention, he had never shown us the 3 little lines that convinced me that both Madison and Faith were girls; he had only said "I didn't see any boy parts."

Well, we were shown the little girl parts yesterday! I still can't quite imagine having three little girls, as I always imagined us having at least one little boy. But, we are so overly excited. Maddie was funny at the ultrasound yesterday (which was unexpected) and kept saying "Oh, I hope it's a boy. He'll be in my heart for always." (She says some hilarious things!) But, when the doctor said it was definitely a girl, she instantly started saying "Oh, my princess baby sister! I wanted a sister all this time." Faith cracks me up because she's this little squirt that can barely see over the edge of the bed, and wants to be right up by the ultrasound machine just inches away to get the best look. She feeds off of Maddie's excitement, and kept screaming "Ess! Oh, esss!" They're too funny.

I am majorly excited that I get to use the bib, shirt, and little hat that Carly and her mom sent us. I absolutely love it, especially with baby Abrie's name on it. I'm just so incredibly looking forward to everything about having another little girl. These three little ladies are our entire world.


The two big sisters keep sneaking out of their room as I type. They are hilarious. They've been emerging as Jasmine and Aurora (clearly Maddie as Jasmine, and Faith as 'Arara') with their blankies over their heads like head dresses, except Faith comes out with hers completely covering her eyes. Needless to say, she has already crashed into the wall a few times from not being able to see and this sends Maddie into a fit of giggles. 

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