Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting excited for Easter

Yesterday was such a beautiful day. In fact, today wasn't bad either. Considering the lovely people on Weather Channel made me think it was going to be raining all day today, I thought the overcast day without showers was perfect. We've been able to be outside without the bother of coats, and that is very welcomed.

I decided to try to take pictures of the C. and the B. yesterday in their Easter dresses since it's supposed to be too chilly to wear them on Easter Sunday at Nene's house. Maddie picks most of her clothes now when we go clothes shopping, and from there I coordinate Faith's attire. So, she had picked the dress that she is wearing (that she just loves) and then I noticed the one for Faith that coordinated. They LOVE to match; it's quite funny actually. I feel like such a hypocrite since I used to hate when Nene would dress Lis, Steph, and I alike, but Maddie and Faith love it which I think is great. Anyway, they looked so pretty in their dresses I thought. Faith is getting to where she loves to look pretty and then admire herself in the mirror. She runs to choose a dress and loves to do 'fancy spins' in them. She was beside herself since she got to borrow Maddie's old fancy white shoes (size 6 1/2, and needless to say she looked like she had clown feet since they're WAY too big on her, but Faith thought they were wonderful!) and didn't want to take them off later. And, Maddie is Maddie. She loves a good dress and being fancy. 

I decided to hide eggs for the two of them then, and of course they loved this. They've had some Easter egg hunts around here at local parks, but I've never been too much of a fan of these since Maddie and Faith both have a tendency to get trampled from not being overly dominant. I figured they would have a lot more fun in the peace of doing it just themselves. Maddie is a speed demon and is all business, which is hilarious. Faith is the opposite and would instead stop after every few eggs to try and sneak a few tastes of the jellybeans. She can definitely be all business, but when she notices there are hidden snacks involved then she just dawdles and it's so funny. They both had a blast though and Maddie told me time and again, "Momma, this was the best!"

Now they're super, super excited for Nene's on Sunday. It's to the point where Faith was standing in her Santa pajamas while holding a purse tonight at the top of our stairs and was waving to us saying "Bah! I go Nene!" (Bye, I go to Nene's house). They've asked every night this week before bed about how many more days they had to wait to see everyone for Easter. They're anxious to finally get to the store tomorrow for their ingredients to make their Easter 'appeteaser.' It should be a nice Easter with our little ladies.

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