Saturday, September 4, 2010

Little quirks and new dining spot

Forgot to mention some funny things about Maddie and school:

On her first day of school she insisted on wearing a very fancy navy shirt with a white skirt. She explained to us that "well, I need to find a boyfriend or a husband since I can't marry Donovan in real life. I'm just going to go up to a boy at recess and ask him if he'll marry me. That's my plan." She did not waiver from this plan, and told all of our neighbors. I asked her what happened that afternoon, and she told us "well, this is nuts. I'm going to marry Donovan because I love him. So, I am just going to find friends and not worry about a new boyfriend." Hahaha. Mind you, Donovan is Maddie's cousin! She adores him, as do Faith and Abrie.

I write her notes in her lunch box with the symbols for an eye, a heart, and a U and then sign it with all of our names. She loves it, and tells me "Momma, thank you for my letter." I came home the other day from work and she had chalked outside, an eye, a heart, and a U and then Momma. It was cute.


Our sweet neighbors (who are such wonderful friends) told us the other week about a cool restaurant at the top of Mt. Penn called "Captain's Cove." We decided to try it last night, and asked them to come with us. It was awesome. It basically felt like we were on an island resort vacation, only in the middle of PA deciduous forests! There is an indoor half to the restaurant, but we ate outdoors. There is pirate paraphernalia everywhere (Maddie and Faith were of course saying that John Smith had been captured by these pirates), tiki torches, palm trees, hammocks, and little lizards everywhere. We walked around while we waited for our food, and my three girls just loved the hammocks. We all had such a blast.


Mel said...

Awww I'm so glad that Maddie's Kindergarten is going well. The fact that she loves it so is probably very comforting to you. You are right, she will shine! And maybe even find a husband :D

Team Russi said...

Your Maddie just cracks me up!