Faith-- a horse
Maddie-- mermaids, a princess, and the fairies with Rapunzel
I've spent most of my night re-organizing our hutch that is the girls' spot for all of their crafting material, coloring books, workbooks, etc. I got them each a folder back in the beginning of the summer, and it was fun to look through all of their projects and drawings that they have made.
I don't know if it is Maddie that rubs off on Faith, or if it is just in their genetic make-up, but Faith just loves drawing and coloring. They both will sit forever at the dining room table with their crayons and paper, or outside with their chalks (and Abrielle too.. she is a budding artiste as well; she is always begging for chalks and she squats down to draw pictures and lines). Many mornings they bring up their materials to the playroom and lay on their stomachs and draw, and draw, and draw. They have such a passion for creating.
Maddie tells us all the time that her favorite part about school is art class. I figured that would definitely be her favorite.
When Dan and I decided to go ahead and enroll Maddie in the kindergarten here, I was adamant that I would continue to keep up with everything that the girls do here at home with me. I have to admit that I find myself feeling envious that Maddie will be learning new things from someone other than me this year, and yet I am so proud that she knows what she does because of the work that we have done at home together. Faith and Abrie included.
Faith continues to be as eager of a learner as Maddie has always been, if not moreso. She's really perfecting her writing these days, and her drawings are becoming more and more recognizable and intricately detailed.
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