Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Funny things

2 quick things:

1) Dan apparently invented the nickname 'Cookie Colores' for Abrie today while I was at work, and it makes Maddie and Faith burst out giggling. It's quite funny.

2) I couldn't help but laugh when Tech Services brought up a brand, spankin' new copy of "The Secret World of Jon and Kate: The Stupidest Story in the History of the Universe and the People who Covered It" written by none other than a professor at RACC here. I did what any other normal person who can't stand the Gosselin's would have done-- I checked it out to read it for myself! haha.


Mel said...

That would also be why I am Tivo'ing the new episodes of Kate Plus Eight. It's like a train wreck - I just can't help but look LOL! (plus Aiden IS pretty cute).

Team Russi said...

I would have done the same thing!

Mama Kat said...

haha i would totally read that book too! i wish you could send it to me! i actually really used to like the show because i was totally amazed at kate's organization skills and the kids are so dang cute. but then i watched the "divorce" episode and i felt really disgusting for watching it...haven't seen it since