Monday, August 2, 2010

Sisters having fun!

Forgot to mention that Abrie likes to hide in the cupboard these days! It was quite hilarious one day when I couldn't find her (after she had just been there next to me a second earlier) and saw her peeking out of the cupboard door.

Abrie absolutely adores her big sisters, and vice versa. It is really getting cute to watch them these days because Abrie always wants to do exactly what they are doing (if they are wearing socks, she goes to the sock drawer and tries to put some on herself.. if they put on clothes, she tries to pull pants on to herself.. if they are playing with beads, she wants to play with beads, etc etc), but at the same time she comes up with ideas that they both think are awesome too. This was Abrie leading "a parade" one morning:

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