Monday, August 23, 2010

T-minus ramblings

I'm not even bothering counting down the days until school anymore. First off, Maddie takes care of that for me. Secondly, it feels like a big thundercloud hovering over me regardless of how many days are left until the big day.

Does every mother feel this way? I feel like time has caught up to me and is in the process of snatching away the first of my three lovely daughters. I know it is inevitable, but it doesn't make it any less painful to try and wrap my head around the fact that my girls are growing up in front of my eyes. Too quickly at that.

How am I supposed to just let go of all my fears and put all of my trust in somebody else's hands now? Trust in the teachers and staff that they will love my precious girl and keep her reaching for the stars that way that WE do here at home, and trust in her classmates that they will never break her spirit or heart the way that her sisters would NEVER dare do here at home? I feel overwhelmed.

I'm worried for little sisters who will be left behind come Monday, especially a certain little shadow to her big sister who answers to the name of Faith. Will this change the bond that is theirs, even in the slightest? I certainly hope not. I am so proud of the way that my three girls love each other, and I hope it never changes.

I keep smiling and encouraging Maddie and telling her that school will be everything she thinks it will be, plus that much more. I am encouraging myself as much as I am her.


Had a nice, relaxing day here at home with my man and my girls. We had an early morning "date" to visit next door with our awesome neighbor and their favorite little chihuahua, Penny. They got to dress up Penny in 4 different costumes, which they thought was a treat!

We walked to Maddie's school and found out who her teacher will be on Monday. Made our pear pie (more like a pear crisp, but still delicious!), face painted with Marlee and Cyrus during Abrielle's nap, and then when Abrie woke up, we went to the stream to let them run around in the water.

1 comment:

Mama Kat said...

aww, i know it's so hard to watch them go off to school for the first time! i got to start off kind of slowly with matthew only doing 1 day a week of summer school before he goes every day (in only 3 weeks, AAHHH!) i cried during circle time when the kids sang the "good morning friends" song and i thought i wouldn't be able to leave! but i did...and he had a wonderful day! there is nothing like hearing about your child's day at school and seeing them make friends and just love learning. maddie is such a lovely girl and a sweet soul that i'm sure she will make friends so easily.