** I got Abrie's hair into pigtails yesterday and today!! What may seem like a trivial milestone, is a big one in my book. I love doing my girlie's hair, and considering Abrie has always had the least amount of hair out my three, I've been waiting anxiously for this day. What was funny to me was that she LOVED getting her hair done, and was so proud of her pigtails.
In other Abrie news.. she puts out her little hands when she pretends to make you something now. They've always loved playing "slushie stand" at the playgrounds, and now Abrie loves to do it too. She stands behind the pretend "counter" with her big sissys, and gets the proudest smile on her face when you ask for a slushie. It's cute.
You can tell she is a baby sister to two big sissys in the things that she does. She gets such a sly look on her face (which is her "cool" face) when she thinks she's doing something "like a big kid." The other morning she and Faith were playing with Potato Heads before Maddie woke up, and Abrie got out some miniature Potato Head glasses and put them on her face. She then proceeded to squat right next to Faith and smile this cooky smile which made Faith burst out laughing. It's funny the things she comes up with all on her own!
Baby girl will definitely be Faith's saving grace in 16 days (oh Lord, I can't even talk/think about it anymore, so I won't...) when Maddie starts kindergarten. Those two are two peas in a pod. They are adorable together.
** Finally able to turn off the A/C a few days ago, and it's been off for these past few days. I doubt it will last much more than tonight, but it's been nice. It's so nice to feel the breeze outside, and let the girls play for longer without worrying about the horrible humidity. Of course, I am not rushing summer, but I do enjoy those delightful summer breezes that have been bestowed upon us these past few days.
You will make it through Kindergarten. I bet that your daughter will love it. She sounds like she'll love the learning and feel of school.
I am jealous of your temperatures... heat index is 110+ here for a while now. Ouch!
We still have horrible heat here as well. Enjoy your breezes! I was thinking about birth order the other day and how Mariele is so lucky to have a big sister to really show her how to play. Whereas I played with Analese when she was a toddler, there is just something about having a slightly older kid to really show you how to leap like a frog, etc.
hey rachel! i LOVE your blog, it's beautiful! of course, beautiful subjects make beautiful photos! i love abrie's hair in pigtails! maybe you can teach me some of your awesome hair braiding skills someday when johanna grows some hair!
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