Monday, August 10, 2009

New best friend

Interlibrary loan is my new best friend.

Oh man, I love it. I've been requesting books through the peace and quiet of our home computer now for about a month. I didn't realize it was that easy to request books we can't find for my avid bookworms. They are always so disappointed if they can't find a book that they desperately wanted, and so I thought I would try this. And, it's the coolest feeling to get to the library check-out and for them to scan our card and say, "oh, we've got something on hold for you." Maddie and Faith start jumping up and down with excitement to see what it is they have on that given day. I swear it's like opening Christmas gifts! 

They have also been doing a really neat reading program. They fill out their little tickets with the books that they have read. Books with more pages equal more tokens. Considering they love listening to chapter books, they've been filling out their tickets too quickly. They LOVE going to the desk (and I'm sure the librarians especially love barely seeing Beebster's little eyes over the top of the desk!) and getting their tokens in exchange for their tickets.

1 comment:

Team Russi said...

I have always loved going to the library. What a great habit to instill in your daughters!