Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mr. AND Mrs. Heckles

I am so ready to get the hell out of this apartment!

The crabby couple below us (that are grandparents themselves nonetheless) have turned into Mr. Heckles (from an early episode of 'Friends'- Season 1) AND Mrs. Heckles. Oh yeah, I got double the treat. 

These lovely people hit our ceiling with what sounds like a broom when my little girls (well, not Abrie considering she is immobile still) run across the floor from the living room to their bedroom. God forbid they ever have fun and jump either, because this elicits the loudest bangs from their brooms-or whatever it is that they are using to bang their ceilings. 

It cracks me up actually. I love people, but this is ridiculous. They have their own grandchildren for crying out loud, so they should understand small children and the glory that is childhood and having fun. Ironically, they don't seem to grasp this whatsoever. They have even complained about us specifically to the management for our colorful sidewalk chalk drawings. 

I have told Maddie and Faith: don't ever stop having fun. Don't stop running and jumping (unless of course it really is too over the top and our entertainment center starts to shake, which obviously it's not like I let them do whatever they please). Don't stop having fun. For crying out loud, my girls are all asleep by 7:00pm and don't go out into the living room until 7:30am the following morning. It's not like we're blasting music and throwing parties until 2am. 

Dan made me laugh today while we were getting them all ready for bed. He said on the last day(s) that we are here, we should jump as hard as we possibly can to let them know we're out of here. 

And, we won't be missing them!

1 comment:

Team Russi said...

What a bunch of crabby patties!!! Seriously, who complains about sidewalk chalk?

You really will be "jumping for joy" when you move the new house.