Saturday, August 8, 2009

My girlie did WHAT?!?

Took my three lovely ladies for a walk this morning and then over to Target quick since we were in desperate need of fruit, juice, and something to make for dinner tonight.

Anyway, I decided to do the shopping differently today. I took my carrier with me and swapped Abrie from her carseat into the carrier while we stood in the parking lot. It's never an easy feat to go shopping alone with my girlies, but it seemed to make me feel less guilty at least about having Abrie just sitting in her carseat since she's now wanting to stretch more. I always have her in the carrier when we go with Dan, but I figured it would be harder if I were alone to do this while pushing the cart AND wrangling my other two lovely ladies. But, it worked out fine and they were all extremely well behaved.

It reminded me though of an incident about a week ago that I completely failed to mention for my "notes!" I had Abrie in the carrier at Target, and her big sissys were playing with the Schleich animals as they always do while I showed Abrie some cute Fisher Price instrument toys. All of a sudden Maddie came towards Abrie to show her one of her killer whales, and she asks me "Momma, what's THAT?" I didn't even know what she was talking about until I glanced down and saw some puddles of yellowish/brownish color. Oh yes-- the Breeze had pooped and it had completely come out of her diaper and down to the floor since she was in a complete vertical position due to the carrier! She even did it again as we started walking briskly toward the bathroom. 

Needless to say, I did NOT have diapers and/or wipes that afternoon. Wouldn't you know I chose that day to conveniently forget these things? Abrie and I BOTH took a bath when we got home (oh yes, it had gotten on my pants) and Dan took Maddie and Faith back to Target since we really did need whatever it was we had gone to Target for on that certain day. Haha.

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