Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fairies, and more fairies

Big girls are fairy-crazy these days.

Actually, they are quite well-rounded in what they play with, and love pretty much everything. They are constantly playing with their ponies, pets, and Disney figurines and watching Strawberry Shortcake (checked out the soundtrack today from the library), Special Agent Oso, and of course their Disney movies. 

But, they are on a fairy kick which has trickled over in their love for the Disney Fairies line of chapter books. They love the American Girls chapter books- especially Maddie- but have read almost all of them now. So, we found the Disney Fairies chapter books the other day at the library and they are in love. These have over 100 pages, so my mouth is dry by the day's end. Maddie read through 8 chapters straight this afternoon while Faith stacked the books and Abrie napped. Maddie loved  this one in particular about 'Dulcie' a "kitchen-talent fairy" with whom she identifies! It's cute. And, Faith is in love with 'Beck' an "animal-talent fairy." In fact, the Beebster picked a Beck chapter book at Border's the other day and she just loves it. She wants a 'Beck' figure now!

Dan and I are quickly learning all the fairies and their names! We might have to go and meet the fairies when we're able to get to Disney again in the future.


The C. and the big B. had a hilarious argument tonight. I love listening in on their conversations and their disagreements; they're so funny.

They begged to play for "5 more minutes, plllllllease!" after story time tonight, and so I told them they could and then had to hop into bed. They were playing with their ponies, and I could hear Faith saying "Momma, help me!" and I knew she wanted me to put the pony's hair back on (these new ponies have removable wigs which are slightly strange looking!), and Maddie often times gets upset that Faith doesn't come to her first. I could hear Maddie saying, "Faith! Let me help you. I can help you." And, Faith: "Nooooo! Momma help me!" Maddie goes: "FINE! I am never playing with you again. EVER!" and was quite emphatic about it. And, then I quickly heard Faith start crying, followed immediately by Maddie.

I went in and saw them both crouched down on the floor and crying. Faith was upset because Maddie had hurt her feelings by saying she would never play with her again, and Maddie was upset that she had hurt Faith's feelings (she is extremely apologetic and sensitive about that kind of stuff and always repents right away!). I put them both to bed, and had to try hard not to laugh because it was too cute.

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