Friday, October 31, 2008

Successful Trick-or-Treat night

Thank goodness for a successful Trick-or-Treat for my little women!

We wouldn't have heard the end of it if it had been another debacle like last year. Maddie never forgot about the fact that she wasn't able to trick-or-treat last year, and they both were so very much looking forward to trick-or-treating together this year and collecting candy. Our little kitten and Pablo (or, as Dan would call her.. T-900) anxiously awaited the 5pm hour when they were finally able to get dressed into their costumes and head out for Trick-or-Treat.

Dan and I were more than a little nervous when our evening began with Faith falling down the outside staircase (4 steps) and landing on her face on the sidewalk. That and the fact that she decided not to take a nap (today of all days when they were going to be out past their bedtime of course) led to the immediate meltdown that lasted for our first 5 minutes or so. Our little Pablonator had watery eyes and wanted nothing to do with taking a picture with her big sister, the cat. She sat sniffing her blankie, and Dan and I thought for sure we were cursed and would have to soothe Crannie again this year. Luckily, it didn't end as badly as the night had started.

Our little women had a blast! We went with Cole and Angela, and they had so much fun. We stopped at one place in the complex because an older woman saw them and wanted them to stop by quickly. We did, and she was so sweet and asked them if they wanted to see some tricks. She got one of her cats to do a bunch of tricks which Maddie and Faith thought was the best thing they had ever seen. They both love cats! Faith kept petting the two cats and going "awww" and Maddie kept asking if the other cat did tricks as well. You could tell that the woman was really into Halloween and had put a lot of time into decorating and separating certain candies into different bowls. We definitely loved it, and Maddie and Faith thought it was great to start their night off with a 15 minute 'show!'

They went door to door, and did not tire in the least. Maddie could not even believe that it was even real that she was getting so much candy. She kept saying to me, "Are we going to the next house, Momma? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! We're not going home? This is the best holiday of my life, Momma!" She would laugh so hard too when Faith would come running up behind her (and on about 6 occasions, trip and fall!) and they really enjoyed their first time trick-or-treating together. Faith kept trying to invite herself into the houses, and to slink away with about 6 pieces of candy instead of the typical 1-2. She was too funny, and had a blast.

We were back by 8pm, and I don't think they lasted more than 3 minutes before they were completely zonked out in Maddie's bed. I am sure they'll be retelling their Halloween stories all day tomorrow!

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