Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sports confusion

The little women cracked me up last night.

Maddie passed out within 2 minutes as usual at bedtime, and Faith carried on forever until waking up Maddie at around 9pm with her antics. I've actually had to confiscate all of the lunch boxes that sit on Maddie's toy box because Faith would root through them and find things to pass the time doing, and essentially annoying Maddie in the meantime. One night I found Faith placing rocks all over Maddie's head (they have a lunch box that holds all of the rocks that they found at the beach that they deemed "special rocks"). Another night Faith was playing every single musical Hallmark card that we own (that they collect and keep in yet another lunch box) right in Madison's ears. 

Last night, I heard them awake at 9pm. Faith of course was in heaven that her antics had successfully awakened Maddie, and that now she had a friend with whom to chat. They had gotten some books off of Maddie's bookcase and were sitting there reading to each other. I then heard their hilarious conversation as I went to the bathroom:

Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Daddy's in the 'wishing room' (what she calls the living room)
Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Daddy's out there.
Faith: Da Da?
Maddie: Ah! I told you a million times, Daddy's watching the EAGLES. Don't worry about it.
Faith: Da Da?

It was all the more amusing since Maddie called the Phillies the Eagles. We were watching Game 5 of the World Series, and Maddie associates all sports teams with the Eagles. They eventually came out for a short visit to make us breakfast with their fake food, and Maddie was cheering "Go, Eagles, Go. Go, Eagles, Go!" Faith was sitting there and clapping.


They had a blast this afternoon at the big park in Wyomissing. They hadn't been there in awhile. They make me laugh because there were two other girls there that were probably 4 or 5 years old. The 4 girls had a good time playing, but Maddie and Faith stick together like glue. I love it. Maddie wouldn't do anything unless Faith was with her, and vice versa. 

Now, it's countdown to Trick-or-Treat night tomorrow!!

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