Friday, May 20, 2011

Pirate night

What do you do in honor of the Pirates 4 movie coming out today in theatres? Why, have a pirate night of course.

Girlies had been looking forward to their pirate night for awhile now. They helped me make a treasure chest cake yesterday, and we set up pirate stuff this morning- drawings, books about pirates, pirate maze books, etc. I poked holes in red cups for them, and they folded their aluminum foil to make pirate hooks (which they thought was priceless!). Dan had to go in early *again* (ugh) tonight, so we had our treasure hunt right after dinner. The neighbors caught wind of what they were doing, and joined them for the fun. Abrielle and I went and taped up the 5 riddle clues in different spots on our street and back alley, and I was impressed with how quickly they figured out where to go next for each of the steps. Their prize at the end was the cake, and some pirate booty (seashells and jewels).

We watched "Peter Pan" tonight, and my three pretty ladies passed out within 2 minutes of laying down for bed.

1 comment:

Team Russi said...

Great party night! You are so creative!