Sunday, May 15, 2011

Past week ancedotes

This past week has been busy actually, I just haven't felt like jotting things down at night. But, I have made a mental note to remind myself so this is my catch up time:

One of Faith and Abrie's favorite things to play together in the mornings is "grocery shopping at the faraway store." Yes, that's what it's called. Faith will ask Abrie, "do you want to play grocery shopping at the faraway store?" and Abrie gets so excited with an emphatic "Uh huh!!" They gather up as many groceries as they can between a stroller and a grocery cart, and walk the length of the alley until they're at the "faraway store." They then pretend to get exotic ingredients for their "chef specialties" that apparently can't be found elsewhere. It's cute:

We went to Welkinweir on Thursday and had a nice morning there. We stopped at St. Pete's on the way home for a hike and a picnic lunch. Faith most certainly has allergies though, and the hike through the woods made her poor little eyes so itchy for the rest of the day. Her eye was actually swollen and purple by the evening, and we had to go get her some over the counter Claritin for kids. She's been much better since then, and we'll avoid hikes for awhile. But, it was a nice time.

One funny story: as we were hiking up the rocks at St. Pete's, Maddie was reading what some kids had graffit'd on a few of the rocks. She was behind us and we could hear her reading, "#%ck off!" I couldn't stop laughing and cringing at the same time-- awful words coming out of my 6-year old sweet, little girl!! Needless to say, we ended up having about a 10-minute conversation about people and their poor choice of words/ bad words that we NEVER repeat!

Abrielle ended up at the doctor's on Friday for a croup-y sounding cough that started Wednesday night. She wound up with both an ear infection and croup, and since they put her on amoxcycilin for the ear infection, I can only presume that she will also wind up with a yeast infection by week's end. Poor baby. She always gets yeast infections when they put her on antibiotics. But, she's sounding better so that's a good sign.

We went up to Captain's Cove for dinner on Friday night with Dave and Rhonda. It was our first Captain's Cove trip of the season. Oh, how we love that place. The pirate theme is PERFECTION for these pirate obsessed girls too.

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