We are hooked lately on the 'Cat in the Hat's Learning Library' books. They are awesome!
They have a book for almost every subject, and it's wonderful because they are very funny and yet extremely informative. We started reading them last summer, but I never knew that they had published so many on so many different topics. The text is rhyming with all the basic concepts related to that specific topic, but adds technical words related to the topics as well. And since the books are written in such an entertaining manner, it keeps their attention and Maddie and Faith are prone these days to spout off real world examples of predators vs. prey, how the water cycle works, what photosynthesis is, and the difference between cirrus, cumulonimbus, and cumulous clouds.
Abrie was as precious as could be today. I feel like the worst mother in the world when I "report" on Abrie and her mood on an almost regular basis, but this week has felt like our days hinge on her moods. Bad mood, and it's bound to be a bad day. My poor baby is having a rough go of these stubborn teeth that just don't want to come in, and are causing her such agony. I pride myself in my patience with my three girls, but even that can wear thin at times. When I know that I am giving motherhood all that I have, and yet Abrie is still unhappy with my efforts, I feel as though I have failed for that day.
But, I know this is just a phase. Baby girl is my little love. One of these days I'll look back and read about Abrie's "bad moods" at 14 months of age, and wish with all of my heart that I could have them back again!
1 comment:
Those books sound great! I will check into them. And I hear you on the moods. Same here. Mariele's mood can easily set the tone for the day. But yes, we will look back and realize how fleeting this phase was.
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