Call me crazy, but I am so excited about the BBC program, "Life." It's similar to "Planet Earth" and "Blue Planet" (which are quite popular with me and my girls.. and, even Dan actually), and yet some of the video and editing sequences are even more amazing than before.
I checked out two of the parts to the series from the library today, and I am so excited to show my big girls tomorrow. I just now finished previewing a synopsis of it, and they have so many incredible sequences that correlate perfectly with these 'Cat in the Hat Learning Library' books that they have been reading lately. Maddie especially is into butterflies these days, and there is a sequence all about the monarch butterflies in the oyamel trees in Mexico. And, Faith just loves killer whales ("Shamu's") and there is some new footage that I've never seen of them hunting elephant seals-- very similar to what they have seen of killer whales hunting sea lions, but with even more amazing footage.
It's crazy how these photographers, scientists, videographers, biologists, etc all come together to film such incredible footage. I am fascinated!
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