Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Baby girl is 10 months old today. Double digits. Ridiculous!

Big girls' favorite movie these days is 'Pocahontas.' They are obsessed. Faith says John Smith is "sooo handsome" and then pretends to fall over in love.


We have "set-up's" everywhere in this house. We have been instructed to not take down or clean up any of these set-up's. I just love set-up's. It is amazing to me how hard they work on putting everything just-so. The ponies are downstairs ready for a talent show and parade tomorrow morning, and upstairs we've got some princess dolls sleeping in Abrie's Thumper blocks. It's funny too how often Abrie now crawls over to see what they're doing, and more often than not will sit and "play" with them too. I can already see a glimmer of how it will be watching all three sitting peacefully and playing. I think it will be sooner than later, and it's exciting.


In lieu of the impending snowfall that we are supposed to get tomorrow, a friend and I went to the museum this morning thanks to the library's free museum pass. These girlies just love that museum. We took a lunch and had a really nice time, and they ran on the paths and over the bridges afterwards. Considering it's going to be nasty starting tomorrow, I wanted to spend as much of the day as possible outside.


Mel said...

"Set-ups" - CUTE! You are very patient to leave their work alone :)

Team Russi said...

You are stronger than I am. I can only take "set ups" for so long before I have to ask him to take them down. We talk about how more than one person lives in our house and Mommy needs to be able to see the floor once in a while. My son would travel with a uhaul from room to room if we let him.

I hope your weather wasn't too bad. It's crazy on the East coast this year but it keeps skipping the Midwest. Thank goodness!