Computer was out of service for over a week, and just now getting back to what I had been working on project-wise before I decided to break our computer. Besides the computer problems, we were also all sick and managed to have two ridiculously large snowstorms in this span of two weeks.
Dan was stranded at work for two days during the second big snowstorm. It was fun being with my girls by ourselves, and yet a lot of work at the same time. But, we managed and still had fun at that which is what counts. Girlies have been busy "painting" the snow which is our new fun thing to do. Abrielle has been a riot lately. She looks so irresistible with her two little bottom teeth, and the girl manages to sneak up the stairs the second you are not keeping a hawk's eye view over her. She always has the sneakiest face too.
Painting the snow looks really cool! Neat idea!
I am planning to bogart your snow painting idea at the first opportunity! I am so jealous of all of your beautiful snow. We've had less than 12 inches all season. We need snow!
You crack me up! I would LOVE less than 12 inches of snow. The 2 feet+ (and 18 inches just days prior) was beautiful to see for about a day, and then got quite old once it started turning black with all the road salt. Although, 'painting' the snow has really been so much fun this year and so easy.
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