Cran's 'tea party' birthday party was a success.
She had been wanting to do the 'Alice in Wonderland' tea party deal at Disney now for awhile, and in the past month or so decided that she would do it here at home for her birthday. I thought it was an awesome idea. She looked through tons of cookbooks, and finally found a cake she liked from the Pillsbury kid's cookbook. It was a teapot cake with little teacup cupcakes. I thought it turned out really cute with the whole theme, and of course my girl loves any chance and excuse to dress up and be a princess.
Her beloved cousins joined us, and Nene and Grampa. They did their craft to make a party favor bag, decorated cupcakes, had "tea" (princess punch-- sparkling flavored water, cherry juice, and lemon juice), and played other little games. They had princess parfaits too, and Maddie loved that they got to use Dan's wine glasses with colored sugars on the rim! Ha. Not to mention, one of her birthday gifts from us was 'Happy Birthday' petit fours which she just loved. She had gotten that idea a long time ago from the American Girl book, "Happy Birthday, Samantha" and thought it was so neat!
Donovan and Ella gave her a KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the coolest thing since she says that is one of her "talents" (baking and cooking) and they have never owned a neat kitchen like this one. We got her a little 'Magic Kitchen' and Nene got her a Mulan horse and doll. She is now in love with Shang from the movie "Mulan" and says that he is so handsome. Oh boy.
We went to the museum yesterday afternoon with the library pass. Maddie is in her element there playing dress-up in the children's section of the museum. So, she loved that. Today we will just take it easy.
I still can't believe I have a 5-year old. AND a 3-year old... and, within a few months, a 1-year old. I told Maddie that they shouldn't be allowed to hit the age of 5. They should start going backwards again back to 1, and then come back again to 4, and repeat this process forever. I am so grateful though for this beautiful little girl that we have that is now FIVE. I am so proud of the little girl that we have raised. I am so proud of the big sister that she is. And, I am mostly so proud of the beautiful personality that she has all by herself. I am very much looking forward to this year that we'll have together with our 5-year old.
What a great birthday party idea! Analese is so into the tea set that she got for Christmas. She would LOVE to actually have a little tea party.
What a great party idea! it looks like it was a huge success.
Happy birthday to your 5-year old!
Mulan is one of our favorite movies. Shang is not too shabby. :)
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