Baby girl was probably saying a silent prayer of gratitude today. It got into the low 40's, and therefore only a coat was required for my little Show instead of the full fledged snowsuit and snow gear that has been status quo here for the past 3-4 weeks. What a world of difference a coat instead of a snowsuit can make for the personality of a certain 8 1/2 month old! What a difference.
This certain little girl has been a *bit* of a bear with being outdoors. I suppose I can't blame the poor child. The thickness of infant snowsuits is quite immobilizing. On Maddie's birthday on Monday, we went for a walk before lunch as we always do. Our walks have been cut drastically short in length these days due to the bitter cold. It's no fun when it is so cold that it is painful to be outdoors. But, anyway, Maddie (and Faith of course since she wants to do EVERYTHING that Maddie does) has taken an interest in trying to ice skate lately. She desperately wants us to take her ice skating, and I thought it'd be fun for them to "ice skate" on the patches of ice out in our alley. They got a huge kick out of it, but Abrie did NOT find any entertainment value in watching from the comfort of her stroller. She also did NOT think it was amusing even when I took her out of said stroller and held her in my arms. There was nothing entertaining at all even when I thought I'd let her try and stand on the icy patch while I held her hands. She just screamed bloody murder.
I'm not sure which winter has been worse-- this year's (and, really it's only gotten started..) or '06-'07 when Faith was a tiny newborn. Making sure a 22-month old gets out for fresh air in the harsh PA winter while ensuring that a newborn remains bundled against the cold OR making sure two big girls get out for fresh air in the harsh PA winter while ensuring that an 8 1/2 month old remains happy and cooperative in a big ol' snowsuit that she despises?
The joys of winter!
Here's baby girl though having the time of her life INdoors. The girl loves being outside, but NOT in that evil snowsuit. She's such a little love!
1 comment:
She is so cute! She reminds me of my Mariele, who is also a ham. I love this stage!
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