Monday, July 27, 2009

Sickness strikes

I had my first night of three sick little ladies last night. And, it wasn't much fun.

My heart breaks when these little girls aren't feeling well. And, ironically, they always seem to take a turn for the worse once Dan is just about to leave for work. Just my luck!

Faith had a runny nose on Friday, and she had trouble sleeping that night. She kept pointing to her neck saying it hurt, but I think she meant her throat was hurting. She seemed much better by Saturday, but Maddie took a nap yesterday afternoon which is a big red flag right there. Maddie NEVER takes naps anymore. I can't even remember the last time she took a nap. But, she and Faith shared the ends of the couch yesterday afternoon and slept during Abrie's nap. It was unusually quiet, and I didn't even enjoy it because I knew it only meant they weren't feeling well. Poor girls.

Maddie started with what definitely seemed like croup last night. She sounded like a barking sea lion. She threw up once, and had a fever the entire night. I had her sleep at the foot of our bed with the fan pointed at her and an ice pack on her head since she complained of a terrible headache the entire night. Faith also joined us in the middle of the night and started coughing, so I moved to the floor to make them more comfortable. Abrie woke up at about 3:30am and I could tell right away from her breathing that she was so congested. My innocent little woman. Three months old and with her first cold. I suppose that is what happens when you have two older sisters. I thought for sure she wouldn't want to eat since she could barely breathe, but it soothed her back to sleep and she slept until 7:45am.

Abrie woke up with the worst hives I've seen to date. In fact, they even covered her poor little head. After her first nap this morning, I took my three sick little ladies to Giant to get them all Tylenol. I told Maddie and Faith they could each pick out something from their cookbooks to make with me later and get the ingredients at Giant, and Maddie said she wanted to make chicken quesadillas tonight for dinner, and Faith chose these candy topped peanut butter bar things that look really good. Well, Maddie is already asleep on the couch for her second consecutive afternoon nap-- unreal-- and it seems as though Faith will be baking solo this afternoon. She seems to be feeling better, and is having a tea party for all the dwarfs in their room right now as I type. 

I hope Crannie and the Breeze follow in Beebster's footsteps very soon, and that they all feel better. 

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