Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lake-y day with a monster headache

Dan has been off this week, and it's been heavenly. He is rarely off, and took off 3 days before his 4-day break (which he'll probably work 2 of those 4 days that he is "off") so it's been awesome having him here this week. We were supposed to go to Maine, and yet were too nervous to take Abrie on such an incredibly long car ride with me still feeding her fairly often. I would have LOVED to be in Maine enjoying the beach and lobsters! We've been wanting to show the girls where we were married those 8 years ago, and it's been so long since we've been up there. Hopefully we can get there sooner than later.

So, we've been trying to think of fun stuff around here to do this week. Fun and FREE! Dan decided last night that instead of going to Hershey today, that he wanted to try and take the girls to Blue Marsh Lake and have a picnic. They just loved that idea, as did I. He went out to Giant this morning and got all the food, and we packed everyone up after I fed Abrie this morning.

It was an awesome time at an awesome lake. The lake is just beautiful and we were so impressed with how clean it was. The sand. The bathrooms. The great stalls for feeding Abrie in private. The playground. The snack stand, etc etc. The only thing that could have made this day better would have been if I hadn't had the monster of all monster headaches for the first 2 hours that we were there. It was one of my very bad headaches-- the type that makes me hate sound, light, motion, everything. Poor Maddie and Faith. They were so worried, and I hated that I just sat there like a lump while Dan took all 3 girls down to the sand and to run around in the grass while he grilled. I didn't even get to enjoy lunch.

Luckily though, I started feeling better when Abrie took her nap and we all went down towards the water's edge. Dan went swimming with the C. and the big B. and I stayed with Abrie at our towel. I eventually did get rid of my monstrous headache, and was able to thoroughly enjoy the rest of our afternoon there. We all just loved it, and hope to get back soon now that we have found a new fun spot.

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