Today was an awesome day for my C. and my B.
Whenever they know they get to spend a day with their Nene and Grampa (or, "Bop Bop" to Beebster) and their cousins, they are always beside themselves with excitement. Maddie was literally counting down the minutes until Nene and Grampa would arrive to drive us over to Donovan and Ella's house, and Faith kept saying "Where Bop Bop? Where Bop Bop?" They were quite excited to see their Nene and Grampa, and then even more excited to see their sweet cousins.
It's a really neat thing for me to see the bond not only between my two little girls as sisters, but also the close connection that they have with their cousins. It's something I always wished for with my cousins, and never had. I always hoped that the day I had my own children that they would be close with their cousins, and it's neat to see that dream realized. It's not only the bond between Maddie and Donovan, who are close to 7 months apart. They, of course, get along like brother and sister. He's her only "Guy!" It's not only between them though; Donovan and Faith are the Flup and the Flop and have always gotten along since the day Faith was born. I'll never forget how much Donovan loved Faith as a baby. They both think each other is quite funny. And, both Faith and Maddie have been in love with their sweet 'Baby Cuz' since she was born as well. She'll always be "Baby Ella" to them, and Faith especially has a lot of affection towards her younger cousin. It's really neat to see the bond between the 4 of them. Just as I am anxious to see the bond between 3 sisters, I am also looking forward to seeing the new dynamics that will shape FIVE cousins!
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