Tuesday, March 10, 2009

31 week appointment

Well, 31 weeks tomorrow.

Becoming forgetful has become a trademark of my life these days, and was showcased yesterday in true fashion. I am NOT a forgetful person at all. I kept telling myself that my appointment was today at 4:30pm. We got back from the playground yesterday and I had a missed call from the office. I was supposed to be there yesterday at 4:30pm. Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed. Ironically, Dan and I had just been talking about our appointment for "tomorrow" and that is when I noticed I had a missed call. Luckily, they were somehow able to fit me in for today.

My blood pressure is perfect, something worth mentioning to me. By 31 weeks pregnant with Faith, I had been to triage already twice for my blood pressure and this is when the BPP ultrasounds became second nature because of that combined with her low fluid levels. I am feeling so fortunate not to have had any other reasons for an ultrasound this time, and am hoping it continues to stay this way. The doctor did schedule an ultrasound for my next visit in 2 weeks only as precautionary measures since I have that history of low amniotic fluid and blood pressure problems. But, hopefully this will be my last ultrasound needed. I love getting a chance to see the baby, but am thankful we haven't had too many due to health reasons. So, we're quite excited for our ultrasound in 2 weeks! She's measuring perfectly though and I've now gained a total of 7 lbs. I realize this isn't much, but considering I started with this one at just under my ENDING weight with both Maddie and Faith and I still have 9 more weeks to go, the numbers do get to me sometimes. But, I'm more than thankful that everything is going very, very smoothly this time!

Faith and Maddie decided to go back out to the waiting room with Dan before the doctor came in today. They, of course, have to be there to watch the nurse take my blood pressure and weight, etc. They are fascinated with this and insist on standing next to Momma to ensure I am OK. It was funny though because when I went back out to schedule my next appointment, Faith came running up to me yelling "Momma!" and then patted my stomach and said, "How dis, Momma?" (as in, how's the baby?). Everybody laughed. 


The weather has been very agreeable lately, and I'm very thankful for this as well. We've been able to get out without winter coats and it's so nice. We took a lunch to the lake this weekend, and I packed a lunch for them yesterday at the playground also. We're wanting to clean the deck for once and for all maybe tomorrow so that they can sit out at their little table again and enjoy it.

It's 7:52pm right now, and I can hear my little ladies getting their figures out of their bins and playing 'Aladdin.' They're too funny. They've already come out twice with blankies over their heads like shawls saying they were "disguised like Robin Hood." Haha. The things they come up with are too funny. Before bed they also started stacking movies and books, and when we asked them why Maddie informed us that tomorrow they will start moving "to the wishing room" (living room). She said they will miss us very much, but that we can come to visit them whenever we want. So, tomorrow morning apparently begins moving day!

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