My hope for our next little lady (or boy! for some reason I have started to wonder about the accuracy of our 23-week ultrasound.. hahaha) is that she has the same intense bond with both of her big sisters- and that they do with her as their baby sister- as Maddie and Faith have as sisters now.
The C. and the B. remind me so very much of Christian and Ethan when they were little. They do everything together, just as I remember Chris and Ethan were inseparable, even with their 4-year age difference. It's really neat. Last night they were fooling around and being goofy since they had had a 'movie night,' which inevitably always means that they are full of beans then until about 9:30pm or so. They get the privilege of sleeping in our bed on movie nights, so Maddie was lounging on our bed reading her big book of Disneys and Faith would jump on her butt and kiss her Dee to make Maddie start giggling like crazy. You always hear, "come on, Dee!" It's too cute. Then, once I disappear out to the living room thinking they have finally drifted off to sleep, I notice two little heads poking out of the door of the cottage in the living room and giggling non-stop. They are a pair of characters for sure!
Maddie miraculously did take a nap yesterday afternoon, and so we always tell them that on those days they get to stay up for a movie night. We went to Blockbuster looking to rent 'Pinocchio' but they didn't have it. They each picked a little box of "sweets" though for their movie that night, and we ended up buying 'Pinocchio' at Giant a little bit later. Oh, they LOVE Pinocchio! We rented it a long time ago in the summer, and that is when Maddie started dipping her finger into the fish bowl to pet her "water baby" like Gepetto does to Cleo. Ha! They laugh hysterically when Pinocchio falls down the stairs during his show and gets his nose stuck in the wood, and have to watch it about 3-4 times each time.
Maddie kept saying the whole night that this was "the best night ever!" and Faith would answer, "ESSSS!" Of course, earlier in the evening we had had a miniature crisis. Faith used to make pooping in the bathtub more than a sporadic occurrence this past summer. But, she hadn't done that in a long, long time. She decided to do it last night though! She's constantly telling us when she pees and poops ('bees' and 'boops' according to Faith), and goes on the toilet much more than Maddie ever did at this age. But, last night she all of a sudden started saying "Momma, I booped!" and she was right. Lovely! Needless to say Faith started screeching in disgust at what was swirling around in the bath water and was extremely apologetic, while Maddie this time was the one to not freak out (usually she does since she hates being dirty) and calmly stood there while I disinfected them and washed them again. Once Faith calmed down, she told us about how she had pooped in the tub about a million times the rest of the night: "Momma, I booped! Hehe. Da-Da, I booped! Hehe. Dee, I booped! Hehe." She went in to the bathroom this morning too and pulled the curtain aside and pointed saying, "I booped! Uh oh!"
The plus side to having had the Beebster with her misfortunate incident in the bathtub, is that the tub is never scrubbed better on these occasions! So, I suppose she did me a favor if I look at it that way.