Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feeling 96-years old, and Twitterpated

The sole downside to driving to Florida has been my physical condition now upon arrival. HA. Dan asked why in the world I was hobbling around this morning, and I told him "this is your new wife. I am a 26-year old trapped in a 96-year old body that is failing me these days!" 

My back has been bad since even before becoming pregnant with little 'Breebster,' but it's gotten worse as I've gotten bigger. That's nothing unusual since I'm quite used to back pain with all three pregnancies, but the 17-hour drive didn't do many wonders in alleviating that back pain. I figured sleeping in a hotel bed would help it once we were there, but it didn't get better. The drive back was uncomfortable to say the least, and now I officially have what feel to be permanent knots in my back. It's quite painful. Not to mention, I had horrible sciatic pain during my pregnancy with Faith, but on the left side. I've had very bad nerve pain, but on my right side, since about 18 weeks pregnant this time around. It's getting worse, and not better and I sometimes nearly fall over from the jolt of pain that runs up and down the right side at the most inconvenient times, and without warning. 

To top it off, I had all but forgotten the joys of leg cramps until last night. I remember having a few with both Maddie and Faith, but at almost 28 weeks with this little one, I had been spoiled in not having yet experienced that joyful feeling again. Until last night. Those are some harsh pains. Needless to say, THAT is why I was hobbling around this morning: I can't stand correctly and crouch because of my back, I walk with a limp because of the jolts of nerve pain, and I was also slightly hopping because of how badly my right leg hurt. 

That being said, I love being pregnant! Aside from those minor issues (it could be much worse and I could have stupid high blood pressure again, etc.. I remind myself of this all the time), I feel great and I would drive down to Florida and back again tonight if it meant we could go back to Disney! I know two certain little girls and a certain "prince" that would agree with me in a heartbeat.


Yesterday being Valentine's Day, my little ladies were quite amusing. They both kept saying they were "twitterpated" and in love with each other, and Momma and Daddy. They had gotten Valentine's cards in the mail from both Grammy and Nene when we got back on Friday, and of course that made their day. They LOVE to receive cards in the mail. They spent yesterday afternoon making Valentine's with construction paper hearts, glue, and glitter. And, our prince took us out to breakfast yesterday after coming home from work. They're so funny these days in that they insist on sitting next to each other in the booths at restaurants. Faith always ends up hugging Maddie and plastering her by smooshing her, and they are always in a fit of giggles. They're too funny.

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