Friday, February 20, 2009

28-week appointment

Baby sissy and I had our 28-week appointment this afternoon.

I was VERY, VERY excited that I passed my glucose screening test. I had gone in on Monday to do my glucose test, and was anxiously awaiting this appointment to hear my results. I remember having to go in for the 3-hour glucose test with Faith, and wasn't wanting to have to worry about the possibility of gestational diabetes this time around. No need to worry though since my results were good. 

I was telling Dan that it seems so ironic that I was so worried about being pregnant this third time since it was quite unexpected and I wasn't in good shape to say the least. I'd been going to the gym to try and get back into better shape, but had only succeeded in losing 8 pounds in those few weeks. Although I'm already just 2 pounds shy of my ending weight with both Maddie and Faith's pregnancies (and I still have 12 weeks to go), I have only gained 2 lbs over what I started thus far. I was so worried about having lots of health problems with this pregnancy, and (knock on wood) I have had NO problems thus far. No blood pressure elevations and its repercussions, something that was an every day problem while pregnant with Faith. I feel very lucky, and also very excited that this baby is doing so incredibly well. 

I usually hate to "complain" to the doctor since I know most of the complaints are just generalities that come with the territory of being pregnant, I did ask him today about this recurring problem I have with what I thought was nerve pain on my right side. It can be almost debilitating at times, and it comes out of nowhere. He said it sounded like muscle spasms and that I'm probably doing too much, and to take it easy. Riiiiiiight. I have two little women to care for and tend to and make sure I continue to give them my best, so 'taking it easy' isn't quite practical. He did ask me though if it seemed like it was happening at a certain time of day, and I have noticed that it gets worse as the day progresses. So, he told me to try and just lay down without doing much once the little ladies are in bed. I can certainly try that remedy. Hopefully it works a little because last night I got a shooting pain so bad that I nearly fell out of bed screaming in pain.

Other than that though, little Abrie continues to get a clean bill of health. And, that is all that matters. Her heartbeat was 142 today, and ironically, I looked at my book while I was pregnant with Faith and hers was exactly 142 at 28 weeks as well. Crazy. Cran and Beebster were full of antics at the appointment as usual pretending that they were going to the farm show while in the waiting room. Crannie then was telling a lady there that didn't know if they were having a boy or a girl that she was going to be a big sister to a baby GIRL and that she is "so excited!"

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