Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Slightly sick

6:15 bedtime tonight... all indications that a) neither one of my little women took a nap today and b) my little women are slightly under the weather.

On Monday, Faith ran a fever over 101 in the afternoon and again at night. She was completely lethargic both times and would just lay on the couch with her eyes barely opened. That was really the extent of her symptoms though. Maddie has had a runny nose since Tuesday and has complained about stuffiness. I also have felt crappy today. But, thankfully, it seems like it's a very minor cold and hopefully it will pass soon. I get so sad when they're not feeling completely themselves, even though they're such great troopers and you really would never even know that they're not feeling well. I hate it also when I'm not feeling that great because I feel like I don't give them 110% during the day, even though I definitely try and put my best foot forward. 

Aside from all of that, we did go out this afternoon to to stomp through all the fallen leaves. Faith especially got a huge kick out of this. I remember last year when she wasn't even a year old how much she would laugh and laugh when Maddie would go running through the leaves. It reminded me of that again today because whenever Faith would see Maddie start running, she would just start laughing hysterically. They'll be funny together when there are even more leaves to jump in and rake. 

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