There's only so much we can do when my little ladies and I aren't completely 100% and the temperature is well into the 90's without access to the pool. Man, I miss the pool!
Daddy-o had another bring-in. We made him some sweet construction paper cards this morning on the deck before eating a snack of freeze pops. Maddie's pictures of people that she draws these days are absolutely adorable. She drew a Beebster on her card for Dan. Faith drew some colored lines and put about 20 stickers on her card. They pushed their doll strollers outside in the afternoon. And, played chalks. Faith is totally into "Hungry Hungry Hippos" these days. She comes to Maddie's closet door and points and says "dis!" until I ask her if she wants to play the hippo game. She answers "ESSS!" (her 'yes' is now an 'esss' instead of 'ets' as it used to be). I always tell her to go ask Maddie if she wants to play, and it's hilarious to watch Faith run as fast as she can to go ask Maddie: "ummmm.... Da Da... dis?..... %$&*$ (jarbled Beebster language)?" It's too cute. Faith is actually quite good at the game, the little pistol. She actually got 5 marbles today, but Maddie still thinks it's wonderful when she wins. We played probably about 10 times in a row.
That was the extent of our day.
Maddie made me laugh so much this morning. I was making them their breakfast of pancakes and Maddie came into the kitchen. Out of nowhere she starts telling me about how much she appreciates her life. She's rambling on about "Momma, I appreciate you so much. I appreciate my Daddy. I wooly (as in 'really') appreciate my Beebster. I appreciate my hotel. I appreciate the Seashell Shop. I appreciate candy. I appreciate my shoes. I wooly appreciate my breakfast. Thanks, Momma." It was so cute. I gave her a huge hug while she sat at the Little Mermaid table and I told her, "Thanks Cran. I love you so much. Please don't grow bigger and become a teenager. Please always stay the way you are." I should have known to watch my words. I turned back around to flip the pancake, and all was silent in the kitchen. I turned back around to see Cran sitting there and I could tell she was thinking about something. All of a sudden she gets tears in her eyes and starts crying and crying and crying: "Mommmmmma. I don't want to be a teenager! I want to be little forever. Please don't let me be a teenager. I love you and I appreciate you." Hahahahahaha. My little Cran!
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