Monday, September 15, 2008

Sisters. Best friends.

The simplest days always prove to be some of the best.

It just so happened that it was a beautiful day today with a really nice breeze- perfect for being outside. Faith took a 'later-than-usual' nap today, and Maddie and I played "school" while Faith napped. Maddie loves being the student, while I am 'Teacher Momma.' She sits in her princess chair in her room and loves when I get out her stack of activity books for the day. 

We took a long walk after Faith woke up, and of course we always have to stop to see Chloe get off of the bus. Faith makes me laugh so much at how she wants to do everything that Maddie does. Last week they walked outside with their doll strollers almost everyday. Yesterday they walked with their lunchboxes in tow. Today Maddie wanted to take her little purse, and of course Faith wanted to take a purse too. They looked adorable walking with their purses. Maddie said they needed a purse to collect "cherries" (those red things on certain trees that look like cherries, but are definitely NOT edible for human beings.. although I had to make sure Faith understood this). The other day they collected acorns in their lunchboxes. Whatever Faith sees her Maddie doing, you can bet that she'll be wanting to do as well. 

They have the funniest 'conversations' when they walk next to each other. It's so cute. When we got home they got out Maddie's doctor's kit to take care of a pet jaguar. Beebster saw that Maddie would pretend to cry when I would give her a shot, and so Faith started pretending to cry too when she gave herself a shot. It was hilarious. Faith got out the thermometer and the ear checker and took care of Maddie's vitals for her. And, after dinner and a bath, they sat in the living room playing on their keyboards and reading. They each get out their keyboard; Maddie does most of the "playing" and Faith does the majority of the dancing. They laugh so much when they do this. Faith remembered about all the little Sesame and Disney books that we have that they haven't read in awhile, and she was in a corner reading them one by one. Maddie goes "Beebster, you have some great ideas" and sits down right next to her to read also.

Maddie tells us all the time that she has "so many" best friends, and that her "bestest" are: her Momma, her Daddy, and her Beebster. My girls do everything together, and I am so thankful that they have each other. The best moments are the simplest moments-- the quiet times when they sit next to each other and smile, when they do something fun and giggle, and when they walk together holding hands. 

I know they'll always be the best type of best friend, because they will forever be sisters.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Remnants of Hanna

It was quite the miserable day, weather-wise. But, a fun day despite the ugly weather.

Tropical Storm Hanna came through up here, and it poured almost the entire day. It reminded me of Hurricane Rita in Shreveport when Cran wasn't even a year old. I had to photograph Cran out in the "hurricane" years ago, and of course had to take pictures of Faith and Maddie out playing in 'Hanna' today. It was still ridiculously humid this morning so they played out in the pouring rain and puddles for a good while without me worrying about them catching a cold. They could live outside in the pouring rain if I would let them. They love splashing in puddles; but, then again, what kid doesn't love splashing in puddles?!

I'm going to have to look into getting them more fun board games that they can play together because they just love Hungry, Hungry Hippos. And, they play it together so well. Faith wants to play it non-stop. She's so funny because she likes to "cheat" and look under all of the hippo's mouths to try and snatch some marbles in to her pile. Maddie laughs when Faith does this and calls her a "sneaky cheater." Haha. Half the time they don't even let me play; Maddie tells me, "we're going to play together, ok Momma?" 

We made a huge cookie cake. I gave them each their own bowl of cookie dough that they helped make, and they "placed" their balls of dough onto the cookie sheet. Only they smooshed them all together basically, and I ended up spreading it all to make one big cookie. They thought it was cool though. 

Hide-and-seek is another favorite that they love to play these days. Maddie and Faith are of course a team. It's absolutely hilarious when I go to find them because Faith is always standing wherever Maddie is hiding and just covering her mouth and giggling. Or, she's standing there pointing saying "Da Da dis!" Hahaha. She's so funny. Maddie actually had a really good place today: she was squatting low in the shower. I wouldn't have even thought to look for her in there, but Faith was standing there in the bathroom giggling and pointing. Then I heard "shhh, Beebster!" and that combined gave her away!

Beebster and Cranster

Beebster and Cranster

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Keep them little

There's only so much we can do when my little ladies and I aren't completely 100% and the temperature is well into the 90's without access to the pool. Man, I miss the pool!

Daddy-o had another bring-in. We made him some sweet construction paper cards this morning on the deck before eating a snack of freeze pops. Maddie's pictures of people that she draws these days are absolutely adorable. She drew a Beebster on her card for Dan. Faith drew some colored lines and put about 20 stickers on her card. They pushed their doll strollers outside in the afternoon. And, played chalks. Faith is totally into "Hungry Hungry Hippos" these days. She comes to Maddie's closet door and points and says "dis!" until I ask her if she wants to play the hippo game. She answers "ESSS!" (her 'yes' is now an 'esss' instead of 'ets' as it used to be). I always tell her to go ask Maddie if she wants to play, and it's hilarious to watch Faith run as fast as she can to go ask Maddie: "ummmm.... Da Da... dis?..... %$&*$ (jarbled Beebster language)?" It's too cute. Faith is actually quite good at the game, the little pistol. She actually got 5 marbles today, but Maddie still thinks it's wonderful when she wins. We played probably about 10 times in a row. 

That was the extent of our day.


Maddie made me laugh so much this morning. I was making them their breakfast of pancakes and Maddie came into the kitchen. Out of nowhere she starts telling me about how much she appreciates her life. She's rambling on about "Momma, I appreciate you so much. I appreciate my Daddy. I wooly (as in 'really') appreciate my Beebster. I appreciate my hotel. I appreciate the Seashell Shop. I appreciate candy. I appreciate my shoes. I wooly appreciate my breakfast. Thanks, Momma." It was so cute. I gave her a huge hug while she sat at the Little Mermaid table and I told her, "Thanks Cran. I love you so much. Please don't grow bigger and become a teenager. Please always stay the way you are." I should have known to watch my words. I turned back around to flip the pancake, and all was silent in the kitchen. I turned back around to see Cran sitting there and I could tell she was thinking about something. All of a sudden she gets tears in her eyes and starts crying and crying and crying: "Mommmmmma. I don't want to be a teenager! I want to be little forever. Please don't let me be a teenager. I love you and I appreciate you." Hahahahahaha. My little Cran!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Slightly sick

6:15 bedtime tonight... all indications that a) neither one of my little women took a nap today and b) my little women are slightly under the weather.

On Monday, Faith ran a fever over 101 in the afternoon and again at night. She was completely lethargic both times and would just lay on the couch with her eyes barely opened. That was really the extent of her symptoms though. Maddie has had a runny nose since Tuesday and has complained about stuffiness. I also have felt crappy today. But, thankfully, it seems like it's a very minor cold and hopefully it will pass soon. I get so sad when they're not feeling completely themselves, even though they're such great troopers and you really would never even know that they're not feeling well. I hate it also when I'm not feeling that great because I feel like I don't give them 110% during the day, even though I definitely try and put my best foot forward. 

Aside from all of that, we did go out this afternoon to to stomp through all the fallen leaves. Faith especially got a huge kick out of this. I remember last year when she wasn't even a year old how much she would laugh and laugh when Maddie would go running through the leaves. It reminded me of that again today because whenever Faith would see Maddie start running, she would just start laughing hysterically. They'll be funny together when there are even more leaves to jump in and rake. 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

 Labor Day= the inevitable 'end' to our summer.

Though summer technically will hang around for another three weeks, our summer has officially ended with the closing of the pool tomorrow. Today was our very last day to go this year. It was sad and surreal to be walking up to the pool and seeing all the trees that are now turning yellow and some with leaves already falling to the ground. Fall will be here before we know it. We went to almost every day from the end of May until today, and it was well worth it.

I love the pool. My little women love the pool. It's great in that we're able to get out and do something fun even in the worst of the summer heat. It is great to see the love of water that both Maddie and Faith have had since their infancy. Maddie has really come along this summer in her confidence in the water. I have a feeling she won't need a 'pet' next summer. And, Faith has the natural love for the water that Madison has always had. She has no fear of it, and I am so grateful that they both do so well in and around the pool. 

Besides the obvious swimming aspect of the pool, we've also met a handful of awesome friends for my little girls. Maddie's gift for socializing was definitely answered in the way of such sweet friends that she has met that she will hopefully continue to see throughout the year. Faith is sissy's shadow and Maddie's friends are hers as well. 

Maddie took a nap today, and Faith took a good nap so it was "girl's night" for us. Maddie picked the new Ariel movie, and Faith actually ended up loving it. She thought the parts that we watched were hilarious, and of course the music was a big hit with her. We watched it on the computer in our room and all laid together on our bed. Those are always the best moments.

.... So, now it's time to look forward to everything fall. And, try and forget about the lovely winter that will soon follow. One thing is for sure though, we definitely took full advantage of having a pool available to us and I wouldn't have had it any other way.