Friday, December 23, 2011

Anticipation builds!

Girlies are so beyond excited for Christmas, it's not even funny. Well, actually, it is funny... and cute. The second Faith wakes up every morning, she announces the new countdown until both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They are ready!

Maddie stayed home from school today, and it was a wonderful day with my girls. It always feel like a gift in itself to just be able to relax at home with my 3 best girlfriends and have them here the three of them together. It was ironic what they decided to construct today. Maddie decided that since they've been busy playing with their Princess dolls that they needed a big dollhouse that would fit them. She made one herself out of a box and decorated it with Christmas bows. She and Faith got out their markers and drew a picture of a Christmas tree too to hang beside their make-shift dollhouse.

They played with that all day. The funny part is that I myself spent all of last night putting together their big present this year... a dollhouse that is big enough for their Barbie-sized princess dolls. It's funny how you see the excitement on their faces as the anticipation builds all month long for Christmas, and at the same time, how our anticipation builds just thinking about how their faces will light up when they see their Christmas gifts. We are really excited!

Spent the day outside and then the afternoon making cookies for Santa. It was a fun day!

And, this was graham cracker Christmas house fun this past weekend:


Team Russi said...

Great gingerbread houses! They look yummy.

Merry Christmas!!

Mel said...

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!