Monday, October 31, 2011


Snow in October? I never experienced that in PA... until this weekend.

This was our Halloween weekend:

On top of the 6 inches of snow we got on Saturday, we also lost power here for 48+ hours. We just got it back this evening.. right in time for Trick-or-Treat (I am so glad their trick-or-treating was saved!). Although it was a memory we will never forget to stay up until 9pm making up stories in the glow of our flashlights and playing "guess what Disney movie" by humming the songs, or taking a flashlight bath the other day in the "twilight tub of terror," it also wasn't much fun to be freezing cold and in the dark.

Hopefully the early snow isn't a foreboding sign of what the winter might hold for us..


Mel said...

Glad you guys made it through Snowtober. Maybe the early snow will be a sign of early spring??? You can always hope.

Team Russi said...

Brrr, Rabbit! I don't know if I could brave the tub of terror and cold temps. I like to be warm!

Happy Halloween! I hope your girls enjoyed the snowy weekend.