Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer "madness" begins

Summer reading program = madness at work.

But, summer reading program = fun at home.

The libraries have been a zoo since the program's kick-off on Monday. I'm at the city branch libraries all summer to help with said madness.

Girlies worked on a fun project though at home tonight before bed. I printed out a bunch of images from some of their most beloved books, and the 3 of them glued them on to a little shoebox. It looks super cute, and it was so easy. They already have a bunch of reading tickets filled out, and they think it's fun to put them in the box for safe keeping until each week's visit when they come in with Dan and redeem their tickets for prizes.

1 comment:

Mama Kat said...

awww what a cute project! You always do such creative things with your girls! i'm getting caught up on your blog. Abrie and Jojo seem so much alike in personality! These tiny girls really know what they want.