Books are such a big part of our lives.
I like to jot down the books that they become obsessed with at any given time.
My ocean expert (aka Faith) checks out and requests books on whales. She's got an enormous stack from the library right now all about killer whales, narwhals, beluga whales (her absolute favorite). She cracks me up because she'll ask to go to the adult non-fiction side just so she can look for books on Arctic whales. Considering I have a love for marine life, I love the fact that Faith is marine obsessed.
Maddie is a champion reader. She is reading chapter books all by herself, and has been for about 2 months now. She's suddenly into the Magic Treehouse chapter books by Mary Osborne, and fittingly just finished one about pirates! She also is horse crazed and I'm going to see what she thinks this summer of the 'Misty of Chincoteague' books since they were always some of my favorites. And, she's also lately gotten into the Laura Ingalls 'Little House on the Prairie' books.
Abrielle loves just about anything, especially books that her sissies read. She's got the most amazing attention span for books and will even listen to chapters if I read one aloud to them. One of her favorites that we literally read about 200 times before I finally took it back to the library was, "Pirates of the Sea," a very new and colorful book. It is rhyming, but very long and she just loved it. She'd even go "Yo ho ho!" and put her thumb on her nose at the part in the book. She also loves the series 'Jellybeans' (we have the first 2, and now there's a newer one called 'Jellybeans and the big Camp Kickoff'). There are some books that we've recently gotten into about a little girl named Katie that visits art galleries and becomes a part of famous paintings (they're learning about Monet and Seurat, for example with these books) which Abrie thinks are quite cool. Not to mention, big sissies think it's neat that it reminds them of 'Mary Poppins' when Michael and Jane become a part of the chalk drawings.
All 3 also have had a fascination for months now with maze books, and of course how-to drawing books.
Summer reading is starting at all the libraries next week, so my girlfriends are all looking forward to winning prizes and finding new books to read!
1 comment:
Have a great summer! That is wonderful that your girls appreciate books so much. That is an appreciation that should last a lifetime. Love that they also like pirate books. Diverse genres!
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