Sunday, March 13, 2011

Even more anecdotes, and some closet confessions

Closet confessions first, I suppose...

Closet confession numero uno:

I stood over Maddie's bright yellow dress this evening with a Tide stick in hand trying to get out some red sauce stains before putting it into the wash with more stain remover. I have different categories for my girlies' clothes- a) clothes that I don't mind at all if they get dirty, b) clothes that doesn't matter too much if it gets dirty, c) clothes that I will put all efforts into removing stains from if they do happen to get dirty. I am so much less OCD about all of this than I used to be, but there's still certain things that these girlies have in their wardrobes that I particularly like for sentimental reasons, or just the mere fact that they're extra cute clothes.

Closet confession numero dos:

I think I have an OCD about being outdoors. I've started to really consider the fact that I should just live outside in a tent at times. I LOVE being outside, and I get antsy when I've been indoors for too long. I particularly despise working on sunny days when I know I could be outdoors with my three girlfriends. Is this normal? I'm not sure!



In relation to my second closet confession, we had torrential downpours last week that provided wonderful puddles for "puddle walks" with Faith and Abrie. Maddie has rain boots on her Easter wish list this year because she wants to stomp in puddles as well! Luckily, we've gotten some wonderful hand-me-down rain boots, but only in Faith and Abrielle's size.

We went to the museum on Friday when Maddie was off from school. That library museum pass sure does come in handy, especially when the museum is showing off their new exhibits. We went with little Nora who we hadn't seen in forever, and the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The four of them played wonderfully together.

We went to Lancaster yesterday after I got off from work. Pauliolio is headed to the Air Force Reserves on Tuesday, and we wanted to see him one last time before he left for Lackland. Girlies were excited to be sleeping over at Nene's house (with us, of course). Big girls were in heaven trying on Tia Rosa's scarves and high heels, and Abrie was in heaven giving out free kisses;) My night ended abruptly after I got a call from Grampa at about 10pm, and all I could hear in the background was Abrie screaming. My poor baby. I was able to calm her down, and we both fell asleep together on the old day bed.

And, today?? Cousins came today!! We hadn't seen cousins in what seems like forever also. Abrielle was making me laugh because she was so excited to see her 3 buddies, and she and Ella played Play Doh together while hugging each other. It was too cute. Those six always play so well together.

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