Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Girlies start to the New Year, 2011?

Sleeping all together in one room.

I can't stop smiling. I can't even explain how much I love that they are all in the same room.

I've dreamt of this since learning that we would add another little girl to our family. Abrie "moved in" with Maddie and Faith before she even turned one, but they "moved out" rather quickly. Abrie is and always has been the worst sleeper in our family, and probably one of the worst sleepers in.the.world. Big sissies didn't exactly like the whole notion of sleeping in a room with a screaming banshee;) But, boy has my girl made strides.

Nook has reappeared (pacifier), but is solely for nap/bedtime now. I couldn't deny her her source of comfort when she found it in the play bins, just as I could never deny my girlies their beloved blankies. I suggested sleeping on the bottom bunk to Abrie, and she gets so excited that she is with her big sisters. She just hates her crib. Hates it. She seems to like the openness of a big bed (has been sleeping in ours for months!) and doesn't like the confines of her crib (this has always been her personality-- she hates being confined ie: crib, carseat, etc). So, she's been sleeping on the bottom bunk, and Maddie and Faith on the top bunk. Big sissies wanted to sleep all together like 3 peas in a pod on the bottom bunk, but I was worried it'd be too cramped.

The three of them are as happy as can be. I love that they are so happy together.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Sweet! My girls are sleeping together in a full bed also, although we are still trying to get them to stay there all night long. I am the one who bed-hops. Usually in the middle of the night, I hear a pitter pat of little feet and my bedroom door opens. I take them back to bed and just crawl in with them. Mariele just wants to snuggle. I'm trying to encourage them to snuggle with one another.