Thursday, December 23, 2010

An early Christmas gift for my big girl

Poor Cran's got walking pneumonia AGAIN.

I got out of work yesterday afternoon, took one listen to her incessant coughing and called the doctor to schedule an appointment. He told us right away that she had it yet again. I'm just glad we went when she did and was able to start the antibiotics last night. I don't think it would go over very well with my little ladies if they had to miss Christmas Eve at Nene's with all of their family.

Maddie is a trooper, and slept well last night despite a high fever and chest pain. I'm hoping she starts to turn the corner today. I felt so bad for her when the doctor had to deny her being able to go to pajama day at school today. She had really been looking forward to wearing her pajamas and having her cookie exchange. We made Christmas cookies on Tuesday, and she took them in yesterday. I promised her a day of lounging in pajamas here at home.

Hoping this is just a footnote to our holidays!


Mel said...

Oh, that's no fun having sickness right around Christmas. Hope she feels better soon!

Team Russi said...

Get well soon!

The cookie exchange and PJ party sounds sweet. I'm sorry she had to miss it!

Our schools don't allow home made snacks anymore. Everything must be store bought. :)