When you're cute, you can get away with a lot. That seems to be Abrie's mantra.
Abrie had such a wonderful start to her week this week. It seemed like she was really understanding me when I would reason with her and explain to her why she has to maintain good behavior. She really does have an incredible understanding of things, and understands exactly what you ask of her at any given time. You can give her detailed instructions of things to do (she is very attentive to these types of details, and listens well to lists of things to do as well), and she'll do them (get this certain colored pair of socks, and get this certain pair of shoes, and pick up the books that you were just reading and put them back in their stack, for example). But, when it comes to listening to rational explanations as to why she should behave a certain way-- uh, forget about it.
I talked to her earlier this week about the difference between being nice and being mean. She may be just about to be 19 months old, but she really does get the difference between being nice and mean. And, I think she does aspire to be nice, but oftentimes if she doesn't get what she wants right at that very moment, than being nice goes right out the window. And, why wouldn't it? Anyway, she's been doing better about if she starts to fuss about something, I'll ask her "is that being nice?" and she'll come and give me a kiss on the lips (best kind!) and say "Uh huh." (* this is her new phrase, she says 'uh huh' all the time, and it's adorable!). That did work for a few days this week.
But, today wasn't "a few days this week." Today was about screaming the entire walk to Maddie's school this morning AND back (much to the dismay of bewildered parents and strangers everywhere along this 30-minute round-trip walk) and the lovely morning that then ensued. The late morning was much better, and the rest of the day did go smoother. I had another "talk" with her after getting out of the bathtub screaming: "Abrie, you're going to be nice now, right?" "UH HUH." "Abrie, you're not going to be mean, right?" "UH HUH." (**sidenote, she now does what seems to be Faith's infamous 'stinky eyes' when she knows you're having a "talk" with her, and she'll divert her eyes up to the corner so as to avoid all eye contact!).
My girl breaks the mold.
This is Abrie's style for carrying Princess dolls.
**** Other Abrie notes:
The girl knows all the Disney princesses and can identify them when you ask her to point to them. It's crazy! Not even Maddie or Faith did this at such an early age; they only knew 1 or 2 at this age. I guess that happens when you have 2 big sisters though!
Abrie's new words are "done!" and "na na na" for 'banana.'
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