Darn thing won't let me upload more than this one picture, but in the meantime I suppose that will suffice!
Faith had been planning and decorating for her party for weeks! She and I spent every afternoon that we had together on drawing the characters from the movie (that was my role) and making ocean creations (her role) as decorations. Maddie also helped with making the construction paper jellyfish. They had spent their last 2 weekends of movie nights busily painting the treasure chests (wooden boxes from Michael's) and gluing tiny seashells to them (a painstakingly slow process). And, when it came to the menu for yesterday, it was all picked by Faith and prepared by the three of them.
I thought it was really neat that Faith-- and her sissies-- were extremely involved in all of the preparations. It was so much fun!
Faith had picked an Ariel party for her theme. She chose pizza, shrimp corn chowder, and salad for her food choices (I forgot to make a salad!). I chickened out on attempting a Barbie doll type cake (made with an Ariel), but the Sebastian cupcakes were more than enough. Faith was very happy with her "cuppy cakes," so it was worth it.
She was as happy as could be that her beloved cousins were coming, and boy did they have fun. Rhonda, Dave, Sharon, and Joie all made it for a little bit too which was so sweet. We borrowed an extra table from Sharon, and got them outside as much as possible. They decorated their "treasure chests" with Ariel and Peter Pan stickers and super-glued (with grown-up help) wooden decorations for added pizazz. I thought they came out really cute. Girlies had spent a night last weekend painting some old seashells (they have quite an extensive seashell collection), and I hid these painted seashells for their treasure hunt. The 5 of them- Abrielle included- had fun looking for seashells to put in their little treasure chests. Their prizes were some jewels. And, they each got some colored sand as a party favor, so my girls had a lot of fun with that last night after everyone had left.
Faith was beside herself at all the cool gifts she got yesterday: a 'bendy arm' Rapunzel with a dress shop set from Tia Rosa, Snow White's Prince doll and Tiana doll from Nene and Grampa, a cookie jar from Sharon and Joie (one that she's always eyeing up every time she visits Sharon's house), clothes from Rhonda and Dave, and an Ariel dress-up DRESS from her sweet cousins (and cd) that she had been wanting for quite some time! I kept telling her how lucky she is, and I think she definitely realizes it.
We had a great day yesterday, and I know for sure that Faith will always remember it!