Friday, July 30, 2010

What backpacks really mean.. and more

We were in Target yesterday morning, and Maddie decided she wanted to try on a Princess backpack. I nearly lost it when I saw her wearing it.

I am keeping this whole kindergarten thing in perspective, and am so grateful that I have my little soon-to-be kindergartener to hug and kiss as she walks through the big school doors come August 30th.

And, yet at the same time, I am already feeling the emotional impact of what it is going to feel like to be without my big girl. It's the weirdest thing to feel tears in my eyes at the mere mention of backpacks and lunchboxes. Stoicism is just not my thing it seems when it comes to these little girls of mine.

Ironically, Maddie has been the one who has warmed up to the idea of school and reassures me all the time that she is going to be "just fine." I jokingly told her that I am going to get her a locket with 4 hearts where she can hold a picture of Dan and I, and her two adoring sisters. She loved the idea.

Am I ready for August 30th and the start of kindergarten? Not one bit. I shall choose to not think about it too much until the big day rolls around at the end of August.


Totally unrelated, but Abrielle's extreme diaper rash has turned out to be a yeast infection. Not one of my three girlies has ever had that, so it took me by surprise. Poor little girlfriend. I am hoping it clears up soon.

Aside from that, my littlest lady absolutely LOVES drawing with sidewalk chalk. I remember Maddie and Faith being fascinated by chalk and wanting to hold it, but Abrie loves to DRAW with it. She will sit there with them and draw scribbles and designs; it blows me away how much she loves it. She is always getting into their crayons too and scribbling in their coloring books and notebooks, but her favorite is definitely the chalk. She gets so excited when she sees the bucket of chalk outside. She walks back and forth between the bucket and the sidewalk to get a new color and then come back to crouch down and draw. It's the cutest thing ever. Not to mention, my big girls just love coming up with their 'themes' after every big rain that we have, which presents us with our new 'canvas' each time. Currently we've got a big neighborhood picture going on, and it's so cute seeing what they each think up as an idea to draw. Faith said the neighborhood needed a 'Coney Tony's' (a local hot dog joint) and so there's a little building with a hot dog above it. It's too cute.


Call me crazy, but I am so excited about the BBC program, "Life." It's similar to "Planet Earth" and "Blue Planet" (which are quite popular with me and my girls.. and, even Dan actually), and yet some of the video and editing sequences are even more amazing than before.

I checked out two of the parts to the series from the library today, and I am so excited to show my big girls tomorrow. I just now finished previewing a synopsis of it, and they have so many incredible sequences that correlate perfectly with these 'Cat in the Hat Learning Library' books that they have been reading lately. Maddie especially is into butterflies these days, and there is a sequence all about the monarch butterflies in the oyamel trees in Mexico. And, Faith just loves killer whales ("Shamu's") and there is some new footage that I've never seen of them hunting elephant seals-- very similar to what they have seen of killer whales hunting sea lions, but with even more amazing footage.

It's crazy how these photographers, scientists, videographers, biologists, etc all come together to film such incredible footage. I am fascinated!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little girls

Eavesdropping on my girls is a favorite pastime of mine.

Big girls are "supposed" to be sleeping right now, but are instead doing each other's hair. Faith just asked Maddie if Maddie was going to give her "chicken hair?" to which Maddie replied, "nope.. rooster hair!" And, they both are giggling at this joke.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Other than some slight family turmoil on our first night there, and some problems with the house not having water (that I had to call the owner about, and turns out we will get a 2-day refund!), our Maine trip was wonderful.

The car ride turned into a 14-hour-long voyage, and boy was it interesting with a 15-month old little lady who happens to HATE being in the car for extended periods of time. If we didn't know the lyrics to Taylor Swift's "Love Story" already, trust me they are ingrained to our subconscious for good now. It turns out Abrie LOVES this song (and the whole Taylor Swift 'Fearless' cd for that matter) and we had to put it on repeat whenever she would get irritable, which was more often than not. Between that song and the four of us singing Ernie's 'Imagination Song' to soothe our Show Show to sleep, the car ride was quite comical. Of course, we can't leave out the fact that Dan was pulled over by the police when we had just 20 miles left on our way back home-- at 1:30am nonetheless, when all we wanted to do was get home and try to sleep. I will never forget Maddie and Faith in the background saying "ohhhh boy. This isn't good. Donovan would love this. It's a real police scene." Hahaha.

Our memories there are what makes it all count. We are big Taylor Swift fans, and one of the songs on her cd is called "The Best Day." These girlies called it their theme song while we were there, and I couldn't help but wonder what are the little moments that they will remember the most about this adventure? We didn't visit an amusement park or mini golf, or anything else like that at all. And yet, they had so, so, so much fun.

My big girls hit it off (as I had expected would happen) with Amber's two girls, Olivia and Hannah. From the second that they met, they were calling each other "the best friend's club" and did everything together. I didn't have the heart to tell them that they couldn't all sleep together, so the 4 of them slept next to each other in a line on the futon. It was precious. They did each other's hair. They sat out on the porch painting each other's nails. They had a blast. Girlies' cousins, Tyler and Molly were there too and they had so much fun with them also. Faith absolutely adores cousin Molly, and Maddie thought Tyler was so funny with his 'silly lobster.' Abrielle is fascinated with babies right now too, and had a blast with Molly. Big girls were quite taken with their Uncle Matt too.

Abrie is cutting more teeth than I had originally thought (she has 4.. possibly 5 on the top trying to come through the gums) and gets bad diaper rashes when she is cutting teeth just like big sister Faith used to. Needless to say, she wanted nothing to do with anyone besides Daddy, her sissys, and Momma. I remember on our trip to Indianapolis when Faith was about to turn a year old, she was like that also and everyone nicknamed her "la chillona" (*the whiny one*), and I think Abrie would definitely get the nickname of "la gritona" (*the screaming one*) if my relatives would have seen her. Bless her little crabby heart! My baby girl had the most fun when she was by the shore. This girl is a beach baby, through and through. She is her happiest when she is by water and rocks. She absolutely loved every occasion and chance she got to be at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park, or when we were down by the Pier at Bar Harbor or on the pebble beach at Lamoine State Park. She wanted to splash and carry rocks all day. In fact, one of her favorite pastimes in the house was to go splash her little hands in the little pool of water that collected at the bottom of the water cooler. I filled a styrofoam cooler for her with water and put it on the porch, and she was as happy as could be playing with her sisters.

We spent a lot of time at Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor. It was surreal to me to have our three little girls in the same spot on top of Cadillac Mountain and get a picture of them where we were married 9 years ago. I think that was my favorite memory of this trip. It was such a neat feeling to see them standing in that exact spot, and realize how far Dan and I have come together. We have created and raised these three perfect little girls. Girlies loved the mountain (even Abrie who is destined to become a rock climber with the way she was trying to scale the big rocks!) and my big girls said they felt like "Pocahontas when she sees John Smith's ship." Their imaginations are never far away. It's neat to see what they think of every new adventure that comes their way, and their interpretations of it. Thunder Hole was beautiful, and Sand Beach was a favorite spot. My girls fell in love with Bar Harbor too. We took them to a cute little (and free!) whale museum there, and they had a lot of fun browsing the shops and playing in the water fountains.

Lamoine State Park was just a short walk away from our house, which was really neat. Dan and Uncle Kyle collected enough mussels during low tide to feed 15 grown men, and we tried (unsuccessfully) to collect more over the next few days. Maddie was disappointed, but she and Faith instead found lots of deceased crabs along the rocks that they collected and took home as their "pets." I even found Maddie singing a lullaby to her crab. Faith was hilarious in that she named one of her pets, 'Daniel.' Hahaha.

Some of the best memories are the fun we had there at the house. Sure, we were overcrowded in this old farmhouse, but the girls couldn't have been happier. We had relay races and played whiffle ball in the backyard, tried (unsuccessfully) to make a fire pit for smores, collected bugs and grapes (yes, they had grape vines and lots of different vegetables in their vegetable garden), and just sat outside on the porch for hours. Bedtime was later than usual-- even Abrie usually didn't go upstairs until between 7:30-8pm-- and baths (or quick hose-down's) were a daily necessity. Girlies' hands and feet were constantly caked with dirt, and the scent of 'Off' was their perfume for the week. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Just a few Maine pictures


Saturday, July 17, 2010

"All our bags are packed.." (Modified version)

... "and, hopefully we can be ready to go..."

Gearing up for our departure to good ol' Maine in just an hour or so more.

We seem to always get things thrown our way in terms of every attempt we make to plan a vacation, but we decided to go ahead and go on our scheduled trip despite life's curveballs. The house has been paid for anyway, we bought our groceries, and now we only need to pay for gas out of pocket.

Girlies picked out a hand full of Leap Learning system games today at the library to entertain themselves during the 11+ hour drive. I thought it was awesome that we were able to borrow the Leap Learning system itself too! So, that should help. Now, Lord help us all in terms of Abrielle and her willingness to endure her first-ever road trip. She'll either be her precious, precious self or her evil twin. I'm hoping for precious Babes!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A new favorite series

Originally uploaded by FaithHopeCaroline
We are hooked lately on the 'Cat in the Hat's Learning Library' books. They are awesome!

They have a book for almost every subject, and it's wonderful because they are very funny and yet extremely informative. We started reading them last summer, but I never knew that they had published so many on so many different topics. The text is rhyming with all the basic concepts related to that specific topic, but adds technical words related to the topics as well. And since the books are written in such an entertaining manner, it keeps their attention and Maddie and Faith are prone these days to spout off real world examples of predators vs. prey, how the water cycle works, what photosynthesis is, and the difference between cirrus, cumulonimbus, and cumulous clouds.


Abrie was as precious as could be today. I feel like the worst mother in the world when I "report" on Abrie and her mood on an almost regular basis, but this week has felt like our days hinge on her moods. Bad mood, and it's bound to be a bad day. My poor baby is having a rough go of these stubborn teeth that just don't want to come in, and are causing her such agony. I pride myself in my patience with my three girls, but even that can wear thin at times. When I know that I am giving motherhood all that I have, and yet Abrie is still unhappy with my efforts, I feel as though I have failed for that day.

But, I know this is just a phase. Baby girl is my little love. One of these days I'll look back and read about Abrie's "bad moods" at 14 months of age, and wish with all of my heart that I could have them back again!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July weekend

We had a lot of fun on our 4th of July weekend.

We had our own makeshift 4th of July parade on Sunday morning. We knew we wouldn't be able to make it to our favorite Wyomissing parade that day, but my girls were intent on having their own. So, we went for a nice walk and they carried flags, a Grover, and baby dolls. It was cute.

Girlies had a blast with their cousins and family on the actual 4th. We went to Aunt Lisi's house for a cookout. These girls of mine simply adore their cousins. The 4 'big kids' played "Super's" all day, and all sorts of other fun imaginative role playing activities. It's so fun (and cute) to listen to Maddie and Faith talk about everything they did with their cousins: "we were playing house, and Faith was 'Momma Faith' and she was yelling at us to get back into bed! But, me and Donovan were pretending to be bad kids." Or, "we were pretending to all be Super's and we had to read our pretend manual." It's quite funny. Maddie and Ella snuck away for awhile too to play Ponies together, and it was really cute to sneak upstairs and listen to their conversations. I am in absolutely no rush for my baby girl to grow older, but she and Chase will definitely have so much fun playing together and the rest of the crew when they're older. It'll be so interesting to see all 6 of the cousins together! Not to mention, Abrie is totally in love with babies these days and has a love for her cousin Chase.

We went to Lancaster yesterday to meet up with Dan's cousin who comes up here every summer from California. Despite the blazing heat, it was a great time (and the park was nicely shaded). I always look forward to seeing these particular cousins, and I always think it's neat to see the family resemblance even in the more distant cousins. My girls had a blast playing with Carlee, Jaimee, and Brady. Faith was so excited to meet her "boy friend" Brady. Hahaha. I always find that I love hanging out with all the kids at the gatherings, and spent the entire time with this group of 6 cool kids at the playground. It's so neat to just stand back and observe my girls (and their friends) when they're playing. Their endless imaginations always amaze and inspire me. They were so intent yesterday on their game of "pirates" and by the end of the night, their fingernails and toenails were caked in sand from digging. They had bark from the tree branches (that they were using as telescopes) ingrained into their fingernails. Maddie had sand and dirt all over her forehead, and she couldn't have been more proud. These were all signs of a fun time.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Importance of good neighbors

I think of our old neighbors "Mr. and Mrs. Heckles" often.

What a difference between cranky neighbors like they were to us in the apartments, and our new neighbors in our new neighborhood. We're getting close to the 1-year mark of having lived here in this house, and we couldn't be happier. We have been blessed with some wonderful people as neighbors. Not to mention, we have met some of the best friends we have ever had in this neighborhood-- and all within an alley's walking distance. We're not only forging friendships for ourselves here, but I can tell that these are friendships that will last my three little girls a lifetime.

My girlies look forward to sitting out on the front steps almost every evening. They get their bucket of sidewalk chalk, and wait for our next door neighbors and their two dogs to come out onto their porch. This is almost a daily ritual to unwind at the end of the day. Maddie and Faith were serenading them tonight with some lovely Taylor Swift songs, and Abrie walks up and down the street looking at their lawn ornaments. If we're lucky, our other neighbor- the very first woman that I ever spoke to here in this neighborhood, and who is one of the loveliest people that I have ever met- comes down with her little shih tzu, and we have ourselves a "puppy party" (or so coined by Maddie and Faith).

I took Abrie in to bed at a little after 7pm tonight, and then went back outside to sit on the steps. It's just such a neat feeling to sit outside and watch my family, and share in conversations with genuinely nice people.


Dan celebrated his 29th birthday today. We had gone to the creek the other day and picked some red and black wild raspberries, and used them to decorate his cake. It turned out well. Girlies made him some pictures, and I think he enjoyed his day!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

9 years.

We celebrated our 9-year anniversary yesterday, June 30th.

I can not believe that it has been 9 years since we exchanged wedding vows in Maine. It seems like it was just the other day. And, yet we have definitely come a far way together since that day in 2001.

We were just 19 then with hordes of doubters, but I can't think of anyone else in the world with whom I would have rather spent almost the last 11 years of my life. My rock. My best friend. My little girls' hero.


We had a lovely dinner at the Ugly Oyster (strange name, huh?!) tonight. I can't think of a date that we've had after our 6-year anniversary dinner, 3 years ago. So, it was definitely nice to be out together. It felt incredibly weird driving alone in the car knowing that the car seats were empty and that there weren't three little girlies to snap in and out of those said car seats.

Girlies spent a few hours here at home with Tia Rosa, and we had a wonderful night. The restaurant was highly recommended by many co-workers of mine, and it didn't fail. Dan was quite intrigued by the seafood menu, and he loved what he ordered. I got a *regular* burger, but it was definitely not your regular burger. It was the best burger I have EVER had. (Of course, I did add bleu cheese to it!). They had a live band playing Celtic music that reminded me of 'River Dance' and I am a huge fan of that type of music, so we loved it. We kept saying that it reminded us of being in Maine, and it felt like we would walk out the door and be on a dock smelling the salt air of the bay.