Thoroughly enjoyed my days off with my little ladies.
Dan had a long shift on Good Friday because of a protest at work, but when he got home we joined our neighbors for a picnic in their yard. It was wonderful. We had arranged a small egg hunt for them, and they loved it of course. Girlies had helped me make their favorite- a fruit pizza- and we also took fruit salad with a lime dressing, and pasta salad.
It has been great to be in shorts and shirts, OR as two big girls around here like to say "dresses with no tights weather!" Abrie is definitely a spring baby. She is in her element in this weather. Boy, is she different in wanting to be outdoors and play instead of the way she acts in the cold. I don't blame her! She likes to sit outside on the driveway and play Potato Heads with her big sisters and try to eat chalk. And, lately we've been walking them up to the little daycare since the kids have been on break. She is IN LOVE with some Saint Bernards that live right next to the day care property. You just say, "Abrie where are the puppies?!" and she starts waving!
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