... I suppose the 2nd part to this will come in August/September.
Today was kindergarten registration day. I truly think I might need some sort of tranquilizer when school does start next fall. I already felt ready to lose my composure at any second today just being in Maddie's proposed school.
I feel as though I have successfully homeschooled my girls (and continue to do so) rather than going the pre-school route, and wouldn't be telling the truth if I said I haven't seriously considered keeping Maddie out of public school. It is definitely still there as an option, but as of right now, I think Dan and I are both convinced that we will try this route and see how it goes. It is just proving to be more emotional than even I could have expected.
It seems surreal to me to have been getting Maddie ready today for her kindergarten registration. And, this is only REGISTRATION. School hasn't even started yet! We walked up to the school on Tuesday this week and picked up the papers (it's a beautiful walk through our neighborhood), and went up to French Creek this afternoon to eat a packed dinner by the playground and the water beforehand. It felt so surreal to be walking Maddie up to the school doors, and the anticipation and anxiety overcame me knowing that this is a first step to a first step of letting go in her life.
I think my main thing with my girls is that I love having them here with me. I love watching them learn. I love doing things with them, and teaching them. I love their curiosity and their companionship-- to each other, and with their Daddy and I. It's hard for me to think about not having Maddie here with her sissys next year during our daily 'adventures,' and to think about putting my trust in someone else to watch over her and keep her as happy and safe as she is here at home.
It's hard for me to even write without getting emotional! And, so I will continue to focus on the fact that we still have all of spring and summer to enjoy with our Cran. Not to mention, I know she will excel in the whole experience of it all.
Maddie did wonderful during the 30-or-so minute 'assessment' today. She was too cute, and we were so proud. She went with the teacher and principal without showing the fear that she had told us she was experiencing. Dan felt even more proud because he said kindergarten was one of the most traumatic experiences of his childhood! He was totally a 'Momma's boy' and says he still remembers crying and crying about not wanting to leave his Mom. So, he was very pleased with how eagerly she went. The principal (who is as sweet as can be) came up to us and told us, "I just had the best conversation with your daughter. She was telling me, 'I am a little nervous about this' and went on to tell me 'this summer I want to be able to go underwater, but I don't want to dive headfirst because my Momma suggested that I will hit the wood at the bottom of the pool." Oh man, I started cracking up about that! Dan couldn't figure out what Maddie had been talking about, but I remember telling her one time about how she should never dive headfirst into shallow water, and she must have figured that the bottom of the pool is made of wood! Haha.
She did her vision test and hearing test, and they took her back to draw a picture of herself and do the computer for letter and number identification. She was so proud of herself that she knew all the answers. Faith was anxiously awaiting her 'sistaw' to get back to her, and they hugged when Maddie came around the corner!
1 comment:
I think she'll love school! You are so lucky that you can walk to your school. That is awesome. Plus, you know she'll never be far from you. Lucky!
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