Got our 8-or-so inches of snow, and the girls are loving it.
Philly got blanketed with about 20+ inches, so we (Dan and I-- if the girls had it their way, we'd get 3 feet every week!) are definitely thankful we didn't get nearly as much. I felt so bad though for Dan last night having to get to work. It took him about an hour to shovel himself a spot out of the alley, and then he basically had to slide out of our alley and then spend another 2 hours driving to work in what is supposed to be a 45 minute commute. Thankfully, he made it there and back home again this morning in one piece.
My baby girl absolutely DESPISES the cold weather. Actually, maybe I should retract my statement and just clarify that it is her snowsuit that she despises. And, when I say despise I mean she seriously hates being bundled with a passion. So, I took Maddie and Faith out to the field by our house to snow tube and Dan stayed here with Abrie this afternoon. And earlier in the day, I just bundled the littlest woman up and we watched her big sisters have a tea party in the snow on the deck. I don't think she quite saw the appeal in the idea as much as her big sisters, but I'm certain that she'll have a ball with them next year when it snows this much and she can join them in the fun snow activities!
Totally unrelated, but I couldn't help but laugh tonight at a part of a book I am reading. There was a paragraph in there about being a book-a-holic, and I am so totally that woman. We went to this gently used book store last week that I've been dying to go to for the longest time. When it comes to children's books, I get weak knees. And, when you compound the existing [slight] addiction of mine for children's books with an awesome price, it gets even worse-- or, better depending on how you look at it! My girls are such avid readers, and that includes the Bay Breeze. She is totally loving any book with animals these days, and she'll squawk at all the pages. Maddie and Faith love any any every book, and they both even have the patience to listen to chapter books and love them.
My problem though is that I love collecting children's books. And, on top of that, I have a tendency to want all books in a set if there is a collection. This never bodes well for me when the little women find a new character that they like to follow, and I then realize that that certain character stars in a series of books! I was mentioning to Dan the other night when we were watching that show on A&E 'Hoarders,' that I can see why some people start losing control over their desire to collect everything. If I had enough space for books in this house, I would definitely collect as many as I could. But, anyway, the girls had a ball picking out Goldenbooks for $.75/each and some other books here and there. Maddie was beside herself because she found the American Girl book, "Meet Molly" that both she and Faith love. We even hit up the thrift store on our way back home then, and found even better deals NOT TO MENTION, a wooden easel for our little artistes. We had been looking for one for them since they spend every waking second drawing when they're not playing. Dan is excited to write a message on it in chalk and sign it from Santa!
It must be so much fun to explore all of these new-found places and find little treasures at great prices. What an adventure!
We have way too many books, too. I love reading and we read to our son almost every night.
Great snow pictures!
I forgot to mention that show Hoarders kind of creeps me out. Books are an awesome item to collect... but three year old yogurt? UGH!!! I start to feel itchy when I watch that show.
Hahahahaha... I know what you mean about that show. It disgusted me in one episode when I realized that the cleaning team were standing on 4 FEET of trash!! I didn't even notice until they showed that it was level with the couch. It was disgusting!
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