Grampa put out the challenge once again of his infamous "cook-off's" and so Dan and Paul made our dinner last night. Dan grilled his chicken skewers (minus the bacon-- supposed to have been bacon wrapped chicken skewers, but we forgot to get bacon at the store on Friday) which the girls and I love, and Paul made jambalaya which was really good. Grampa made his famous Godiva brownies for dessert, Tia Rosa made pasta salad and thai cole slaw, and Maddie, Faith, and I made cheesecake cranberry bars also for dessert. Needless to say, everything was delicious and nobody was officially declared a winner! These cook-off's are always so fun, and Maddie and Faith had a blast. It's neat to get them involved now in making stuff for whenever we go over to Nene's house, and they told me today at lunch that "Grampa is the best baker ever because his brownies are soooo delicious... but, everybody won first prize because we're all great chefs".
I'm curious to see the bond between Abrie and her Nene and Grampa as she also grows older, and the bond between her and everybody else as well. Maddie has always been a Nene's girl, and Faith is all Pop Pop. Man, the Beebster loves her Pop Pop. She tells us he is one of her best friends! The Beebster spent forever yesterday afternoon jumping on her Pop Pop and trying on his glasses, and then putting them on his face upside down. Quite funny! And, Maddie has always had a strong bond with Nene ever since moving back from Shreveport and living there for 2 1/2 months. I still remember the 4-5 times daily that Maddie would go and point to Nene's stereo in the kitchen and request "La Mucura" and "Timida" (her all time favorite Mexican songs at 18 months of age) and she and Nene would dance and dance. I'm sure Abrie will be equally bonded with both Nene and Grampa as her older sisters have always been as well.
I had set my BMT graduation (of sorts) for this past Friday, June 12th. My graduation from "Learning to be a Mother of Three" BMT graduation. I can not believe that Abrie turned 7 weeks old on Friday, and that I successfully have completed 7 weeks with my three girls.
I'm still learning every day how to let go of the pangs of guilt and feel confident in knowing that my three little ladies have gone to sleep each night knowing how very loved they are. That is all that matters to me. I love this business of having three beautiful girls-- three best friends. There will never be anything that could ever top this feeling.
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