I always felt during these first few weeks with both Maddie and Faith as newborns that I was in survival mode. Never necessarily thriving, but just trying my best to survive. I hate the hormones that linger after giving birth; they were out of control after having had Maddie those first few weeks. Breastfeeding was a nightmare, and that made it worse. I felt so guilty when Faith was born then and Maddie was so little with no other sibling to be her companion. I hate the feeling that I am not in control of my emotions, as that is definitely not me. I was very much prepared for that feeling following Abrie's birth.
This transition from two little girls to three little girls is, I think, the easiest thus far. And, by easiest, I mean 'easiest' on my emotions. Definitely not the 'easiest' when it comes to the physical demands of meeting three little girls' needs and wishes. I felt like a wreck when Dan went back to work last week and I have had the night shifts all to myself. Dan is my rock. He is awesome. I had a day last week that I felt as though the world was crumbling all around me. But, other than that, I feel like I am surviving and truly learning quickly to thrive on this new "schedule." It is a true blessing and such a help that Maddie and Faith have transitioned without a hitch. They are in love with their baby 'Beeba' and it has not faltered at all, even with Abrie being nearly 2 weeks old. Faith cracks me up at how badly she wants to hold her all the time, and Maddie is like a second mother to her baby sissy. I am couch-bound with nursing of course, but Faith and Maddie have done so well with playing together while I am with Abrie, and it's as though nothing has changed in their lives. This has helped me tremendously, and lifted the burden of guilt that worried me so much about affecting their lives!
Abrielle continues to be such an awesome baby girl. I don't remember the C. or the B. ever sleeping so much when they were newborns, but it makes it that much easier for us to keep with our daily routines. Before all of this nasty weather with rain, we had them outside every day and I even was able to get all three little ladies out for a walk on one occasion. Maddie's already asking how long it will be before Abrie can play with them at the playground, etc, and I tell her it will all come eventually. I want them to take their time growing up!
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